The Bay
I was on a great escape last night. It was a slightly elevated place, and there I realized that it pervades everywhere every day and every moment!
Perjury, lies, to settle for mediocrity, interests, conflict of interests, two facedness, being the most oppressed with the urge to oppress, imaginary gains, small-minded calculations, small-time schemings, cracks and its changes!
Your greed for wealth has brought the world to such a place; For instance, the government now decides how much rent you can charge for your houses. This is actually a moral lesson! But you will continue search morals in bodies!
Of course, I have thought a lot about whether this is universal or location-specific.
There are universal pervades, locational pervades, too... I can also say a lot of things about the universal ones, but that’s not our topic at the moment. Because location-specific issues pervade more perplexingly than universal ones, and are more likely to be contaminated and become epidemic.
First of all, I really like these times. Actually, I came to like these times later. For example, access to art has never been easier. A lot of things can be done with artificial intelligence, and it’s very enjoyable to anticipate that some parasitic professions will become obsolete. Being an individual is not necessarily easier, but it is more powerful, more emphasized. By the way, the greatest poverty is not the lack of money or incompetence, it is the inability to be free. Especially at times like these! Everything is much easier according to our ancestors, except for one thing.
“Tolerate people!”
Who claims that? Innocuous or pernicious? When it comes to people, the more components there are, the more lies it brings. Lies start with the components. I like these times because it’s easier to isolate yourself from all of this. Make no mistake, I come from a culture where the folk are loved and intelligence flourishes in the streets.
But the folk no longer loves its own.
So, as someone who can easily isolate themselves, I love these times... Even a situation like a mother being unable to confront her child who harms herself...
As someone who perceives and tells stories, they affect me.
A child with a torn sleeve of his sweatshirt, feeding a cat, affects me...
Seeing young people trying to cope with their reflections by using heavy narcotics affects me...
Seeing someone who should be resting at their age still working affects me.
While all of this is happening, seeing unskilled people cruising around in a Ferrari affects me.
On the other hand, many of us haven’t chosen a life that values mental agility and alertness. But we grew up on the street with distrusts. In all honesty, somewhere inside each of us, the insanity of Jean-Michel Basquiat is slumbering.
Remember that you are not the political arbitrators of doctrines. Remember that you will soon recall the things you forgot.
Actually, people who are not normal but considered normal; this time, you also think a little bit...
“Bay” kelimesi, öz türkçe de “zengin, mülk sahibi” anlamındaki “bey” kelimesinden mangle olmuştur. Sonradan sonradan bir hitap olarak er kişinin önüne getirilmiştir.
Ingilizce’de ise "bay" yazılıp, "bey" okunan bir kelime vardır. Bunun dört tane "noun" bir tane "adjective" anlamı vardır.
"Noun" olanlardan bir tanesi çok çok ilgi çekici;
Av olan bir hayvanın durumundan, "son karşılaşma" anlamı transfer edilir, ve bundan sonra, kaçış veya başka bir yolu kalmadığında tehlikeyle yüzleşme fikrinin üzerine, "bay" anlamı da ortaya çıkıyor.
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