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Yapılan yorumun tam olarak anlaşılamaması üzerine ilave açıklama:
Şiirdeki "Tarihle dövüşme", tarihi olayları " anla yeter" ifadesi, tarihle ilgili bütün düşünceleri kapsamaz.
Vurgulamaya çalıştığım ; tarihi olayları araştırırken, gözden geçirirken, kıyaslarken, sonuçlandırırken hatta tartışırken ( müslüman münakaşa etmez ama, böyle bir ortamda kalabilir ) tarihi hakikatleri gizlemeyin, çarpıtmayın, abartmayın, karalamayın gibi davranış kurallarından ibarettir. Çünkü saptırma karalama küfürleşmeye daha sonra da dövüşmeye neden olabilir.
Şiir tarihi şuuru yok etmeyi ima etmiyor. Tarih şuuru; doğru anlaşılmış tarihi bilgilerden ibretler tavsiyeler çıkarma, yeni ufuklar belirleme, geleceğe dönük planlar yapma, tedbirler alma meselesiyle ilgilidir.
Tarihi gerçeğe yakın biçimde öğrenmezsek, tartışmaları bitiremeyiz, kıymetli zamanımız boşuboşuna heba olur. Maalesef bu istenmeyen tartışmaları Türkiye’de hala yaşıyoruz. Eller endüstri 4.0 ‘ı, 5G’yi müzakere ederken biz İzmir Suikasti’ni, Atıf Hoca’nın idamını, Abdulhamid’in kızıl sultan olup olmadığını vs. tartışıp duruyoruz. Tarih bir klavuzdur. O olmadan dünü ve devamı olan bugünü iyi anlayamayız. Bugünü doğru kavrayamazsak geleceği sağlam temeller üzerine yerleştiremeyiz. Mesela, Megali. İdea’yı bilmezsek, Enosis’i anlayamayız. Enosisi kavrayamazsak, Kıbrıs’ taki olayları isabetli biçimde yorumlayamayız. Rum ve Yunanlılar’ ın Ege Denizi’nde uygulamaya çalıştığı politika ve pratiklerin amacını çabuk farkedemeyiz.
Yeterli bir tarih şuuruna sahip bir kimse; Osmanlı Devleti’ nin zor günler yaşadığı dönemde Yunanlılar’ ın niye saldırıdığını, Ege’ deki adalara niçin el koyduğunu, Kıbrıs’ ı neden Yunanistan’ a bağlamak istediğini az hatayla yorumlar. Anında da tedbirini alır. Tarihi şuur yoksa olayların gerisinde kalır, karşı taraf hamlelerini yapıp bitirdikten sonra çareler aramaya önlemler bulmaya çalışır.
Özetle şiirde tarih şuuru boyutu yok. Sadece bugünün dünden bağımsız olmadığı vurgusu var.
Şiirle ilgili ikinci açıklamam :
"Dövüşme tarihle anla yeter
gücün bir hiç için akar gider"
Mısrada anlatılmak istenenlerden bazıları;
- Tarihten tam anlamıyla yararlanabilmek için, bilgi, belge ve hatıraların ışığında olayları gerçeğe yakın yorumlamak, doğru anlamak gerekir.
- Tarihçiler inceledikleri dönemin büyüsüne kapılabilirler. Sevdikleri devlet başkanları, bakanlar, bürokratlar olabilir. Destekledikleri kişiler hakkında olumsuz bir bilgi, belge, yorum görmek duymak istemeyebilirler. Belgeleri yakabilirler, gizleyebilirler, çarpıtabilirler. Bu tür uğraşılar, gayretler hakikatların kaybolmasına dolayısıyla yanlış sonuçların çıkarılmasına sebep olabilirler. Tarihçi tarihi şahsiyetleri değil, tarihi gerçekleri sevmek durumundadır. Özellikle müslümanlar bir hakikat mücadelecisi olmak zorundadırlar. Çünkü hakikatleri çarpıtmak, iftira etmek günahtır, suçtur.
- Tarihi mevzuular tartışılırken ortamı gerecek ifadeleri kullanmaktan kaçınmak gerekir. Doğru bilgi, çarpıtılmamış belge - hatıra ve fotoğrafları konuşturmak gerekir. "Yalan söylüyorsun", "aklın hakikatleri almıyor", "taraf tutup adaletsizlik yapıyorsun", "namuslu tarihçi olmak lazım" vs.vs. gibi hakaret ve küfürleri kullanmaktan kaçınmak gerekir.
- Tarihi hakikatları çarpıtmak, belgeler üzerinde oynamak, uydurma fotoğraflar ortaya çıkarmak pek çok ülkede. suçtur. Öfkesini yenemeyen çoğu tarihçi bu yüzden hapislere de girmişlerdir. Vücuda verilen zarardan başka maddi kayıplar da ( tazminat ödeme gibi) söz konusu olabilmiştir. Kin ve nefretleri yüzünden kendini hapse attıran, kendine kötülük yapmış olur.
Tuesday May 19, 2020 22:07:36
Additional explanation after the interpretation is not fully understood:
The expression "Don't fight with history" in the poem, " just understand the historical events", does not cover all the thoughts about history.
What I am trying to emphasize is that when researching, reviewing, comparing, concluding, and even discussing historical events (a Muslim does not argue, but he can stay in such an environment), it consists of rules of conduct such as do not hide, distort, exaggerate, or defame historical truths. Because diversion can cause scribbling, swearing, and then fighting.
The history of poetry does not imply the destruction of consciousness. History consciousness is related to the issue of drawing lessons, recommendations from correctly understood historical information, setting new horizons, making plans for the future, taking measures.
If we do not learn the history closely, we will not be able to finish the discussions, our precious time will be wasted. Unfortunately, we are still experiencing these unwanted discussions in Turkey. While the hands are negotiating industry 4.0, 5G, we are discussing the Izmir Assassination, the execution of Atıf Hodja, whether Abdulhamid is the red sultan, etc. we keep arguing. History is a guide. Without him, we cannot understand yesterday and its sequel, today, well. If we do not understand the present correctly, we cannot place the future on solid foundations. For example, Megali. If we do not know the Idea, we cannot understand Enosis. If we do not understand enosi, we cannot interpret the events in Cyprus accurately. We cannot quickly realize the purpose of the policies and practices that the Greeks and Greeks are trying to implement in the Aegean Sea.
A person with an adequate sense of history; why the Greeks attacked during the difficult days of the Ottoman Empire, why they seized the islands in the Aegean, why they wanted to connect Cyprus to Greece, interprets with few mistakes. And he takes his precautions instantly. If there is no historical consciousness, it stays behind the events, tries to find remedies, find measures after the other side makes its moves and finishes.
In summary, there is no dimension of historical consciousness in the poem. There is only the emphasis that today is not independent of yesterday.
My second explanation about the poem :
"Don't fight, just understand the history
your power flows for nothing."
Some of the things that want to be explained in the verse are;
- In order to make full use of history, it is necessary to interpret events closely to the truth in the light of information, documents and memories, to understand them correctly.
- Historians can fall under the spell of the period they are studying. Their loved ones may be heads of state, ministers, bureaucrats. They may not want to see or hear negative information, documents, comments about the people they support. They can burn documents, hide them, distort them. Such efforts, efforts can lead to the loss of truths and therefore the drawing of false conclusions. The historian has to love historical facts, not historical figures. Especially Muslims have to be a fighter for truth. Because distorting the truths, slandering is a sin, a crime.
- It is necessary to avoid using expressions that will stretch the environment when discussing historical issues. Accurate information, non-distorted documents - memories and photos should be made to speak. "You are lying", "your mind does not accept the truths", "you are taking sides and committing injustice", "it is necessary to be an honest historian", etc.vs. it is necessary to avoid using insults and profanities as such.
- Distorting historical truths, playing on documents, revealing fabricated photos in many countries. it's a crime. Many historians who could not overcome their anger also went to prison for this reason. There may also be material losses (such as paying compensation) other than the damage caused to the body. Anyone who puts himself in prison because of his hatred and hatred will have done a disservice to himself.
Tuesday May 19, 2020 22:07:36
Additional explanation after the interpretation is not fully understood:
The expression "Don't fight with history" in the poem, " just understand the historical events", does not cover all the thoughts about history.
What I am trying to emphasize is that when researching, reviewing, comparing, concluding, and even discussing historical events (a Muslim does not argue, but he can stay in such an environment), it consists of rules of conduct such as do not hide, distort, exaggerate, or defame historical truths. Because diversion can cause scribbling, swearing, and then fighting.
The history of poetry does not imply the destruction of consciousness. History consciousness is related to the issue of drawing lessons, recommendations from correctly understood historical information, setting new horizons, making plans for the future, taking measures.
If we do not learn the history closely, we will not be able to finish the discussions, our precious time will be wasted. Unfortunately, we are still experiencing these unwanted discussions in Turkey. While the hands are negotiating industry 4.0, 5G, we are discussing the Izmir Assassination, the execution of Atıf Hodja, whether Abdulhamid is the red sultan, etc. we keep arguing. History is a guide. Without him, we cannot understand yesterday and its sequel, today, well. If we do not understand the present correctly, we cannot place the future on solid foundations. For example, Megali. If we do not know the Idea, we cannot understand Enosis. If we do not understand enosi, we cannot interpret the events in Cyprus accurately. We cannot quickly realize the purpose of the policies and practices that the Greeks and Greeks are trying to implement in the Aegean Sea.
A person with an adequate sense of history; why the Greeks attacked during the difficult days of the Ottoman Empire, why they seized the islands in the Aegean, why they wanted to connect Cyprus to Greece, interprets with few mistakes. And he takes his precautions instantly. If there is no historical consciousness, it stays behind the events, tries to find remedies, find measures after the other side makes its moves and finishes.
In summary, there is no dimension of historical consciousness in the poem. There is only the emphasis that today is not independent of yesterday.
My second explanation about the poem :
"Don't fight, just understand the history
your power flows for nothing."
Some of the things that want to be explained in the verse are;
- In order to make full use of history, it is necessary to interpret events closely to the truth in the light of information, documents and memories, to understand them correctly.
- Historians can fall under the spell of the period they are studying. Their loved ones may be heads of state, ministers, bureaucrats. They may not want to see or hear negative information, documents, comments about the people they support. They can burn documents, hide them, distort them. Such efforts, efforts can lead to the loss of truths and therefore the drawing of false conclusions. The historian has to love historical facts, not historical figures. Especially Muslims have to be a fighter for truth. Because distorting the truths, slandering is a sin, a crime.
- It is necessary to avoid using expressions that will stretch the environment when discussing historical issues. Accurate information, non-distorted documents - memories and photos should be made to speak. "You are lying", "your mind does not accept the truths", "you are taking sides and committing injustice", "it is necessary to be an honest historian", etc.vs. it is necessary to avoid using insults and profanities as such.
- Distorting historical truths, playing on documents, revealing fabricated photos in many countries. it's a crime. Many historians who could not overcome their anger also went to prison for this reason. There may also be material losses (such as paying compensation) other than the damage caused to the body. Anyone who puts himself in prison because of his hatred and hatred will have done a disservice to himself.