Mehmet Emin Tokadi,yaþarlar Ýstanbul’da, Vaaz sohbet ederek,baþlar halký irþada, Var idi o sýralar,Antep’dende bir Hoca, Haset ederdi ona,bin bir türlü alayla.
Yýkýyordu çeþmede,Hoca birgün yüzünü, O esnada orada,M.Emin Hz.göründü, Eþraftan biri dedi-Gelen Emin Tokadi, Alim mürþidi kamil,evliyadan birisi.
Baktý Antepli Hoca,bir þeyler mýrýldandý, M.Emin Tokadi Hz.,gelip Hak adý andý, Kaldýrýp da baþýný-Bak bana Þeyh Efendi, Gözlerim aðrýr hergün-Yok mu nefesin dedi.
Kýzdý mübarek anda-Kör olsun gözün dedi, Birden söndü gözleri,hepsine sancý geldi, Talebesi dediler-Alay ettin Hocamla, Kör olacak gözlerin-Beddua etti sana.
Vardý Hoca farkýna,buldular hanesini, Kapanýp ayaðýna,bin bir özür diledi, Aman Efendim nolur,bakmayýn kusuruma, Edepsizlik etmiþim,piþmaným yaptýðýma.
Sözüm geriye dönmez,vermek gerekir gözü, Umudu kesti Hoca,çeþme yaptýlar gözü, M.Emin Tokadi-Rabbim rahatlat onu, Hoþ þimdi olmaz ise,sonunda ver nurunu.
Çekti tam on altý ay,gözde Hoca aðrýyý, Þifa buldular sonra,kabul Þeyhin duasý, Saygýlý bundan sonra,kötü söz etmez asla, Þeyhine hürmet eder,meclisde taplantýda.
Mübarekdir Þeyhimiz,olsak ayaðýn tozu, Kabrini ziyaret et,orasý nurla dolu, M.Emin Tokadi Hz.Unkapaný Zeyrek’de, Derler ziyaret eden,girer belki cennete.
Mehmet Emin Tokadi, they live in Istanbul, The sermon begins by chatting, guiding the people, There was a teacher in Antep at that time, He would envy him, with all kinds of ridicule.
He was washing his face in the fountain one day, At that time, M. Emin Hz. Appeared there, One of the notables said - Coming Emin Tokadi, Scholar guide kamil, one of the saints.
The teacher from Antep looked and murmured something, M. Emin Tokadi Hz. Came and said the name Hak, Raise your head and look at me, Sheikh Effendi, My eyes hurt every day-No, your breath said.
She was angry at the blessed moment-He said, let your eyes be blind, Suddenly his eyes went out, all of them were in pain, They said his student-You mocked my teacher, Your eyes will be blind-He curse you.
Hodja had noticed, they found his place, He shut down and apologized to his feet, a thousand and one, Oh Sir please, please don’t take my fault, I was naughty, I regret that I did.
My word does not go back, it is necessary to give an eye, Hodja gave up hope, they built a fountain, M. Emin Tokadi- My Lord, comfort him, If not right now, give your light at the end.
He suffered exactly sixteen months, Hodja pain in the eye, After they found healing, accepted Sheikh’s prayer, The respectful never speaks bad after that, He pays homage to his sheikh, is in parliament.
Blessed Sheikh, if we were the dust of the feet, Visit his grave, it is full of light, M. Emin Tokadi in Unkapaný Zeyrek, It is said that the one who visits, may enter heaven.
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