





Bi Cümle




Yaþarlar Habib Baba,Sultan Murat devrinde,
Yaþlý fakir kimsesiz,ama mübarek kimse,
Gelir sefer sonunda,yerleþir Ýstanbul’a,
Atmak için tozunu,varýr oda hamama.

Niyyeti temizlenmek,denk etmek ruh bedeni,
Vurmak kese cildine,arýndýrmak kirleri,
Sokmaz Hamamcý onu,Vezirler hep içerde,
Kapalý hamam bugün,git sen dýþarda bekle.

Üzülür Habib Baba,rica minnet yalvarýr,
Ben kimseye görünmem,deyip Hakka sýðýnýr,
Utanýrým Rabbimden,bu kirli bedenimle,
Býktýrýr Hamamcýyý,nazlar kokan diliyle.

Dayanamaz Hamamcý,insaf ehlidir o da,
Kabul eder Babayý,buyur eder hamama,
Gösterirler bir oda,yýkanda çýk çabukca,
Vüzerayla askerler,varmasýnlar farkýna.

Sevinir Habib Baba,girer hemen odaya,
Çýkarýr elbiseyi,suyu döker baþýna,
Çýkýp gelir genç biri,boylu poslu uzunca,
Dýþý fakirdir ama,benzer Sultan Murad’a.

Deðiþtirmiþ kýlýðý,merak etmiþ askeri,
Bir bakayým hamama,göreyim vezirleri,
Tebdil-i kýyafetle,gelivermiþ hamama,
Fakir yoksulsun diye,koymaz onu hamama.

Galip gelir Padiþah,ikna eder sonunda,
Fýsýldar kulaðýna,gir hemen þu odaya,
Yýkanýp çýkýn hemen,uyanmasýn askerler,
Tehlikeli burasý,yoksa sizi keserler.

Süzülür Sultan Murat,Habib Baba yanýna,
Beraberce mis gibi,baþlarlar yýkanmaya,
Sesler gelir içerden,baþlamýþtýr eðlence,
Þarký türkü sesleri,arþa çýkar vaveyle.

Habib Baba bakarlar,odada arkadaþa,
Bedenin kirlenmiþtir,kese vursam sýrtýna,
Evladým ister misin,kese atayým sana,
Bildirmez onu Mevla,ogün veli kuluna.

Þaþar kalýr Padiþah,iyilik yapmaz kimse,
Karþýlýk beklemeden,hele böylesi günde,
Diz çökerler hemence,ellerin dert görmesin,
Vur keseyi sýrtýma,vucudum temizlensin.

Sesler sürer içerde,çýnlatýrlar hamamý,
Habib Baba bitirir,keselerler Sultaný,
Teklif sunar Padiþah,ne de olsa insandýr,
Karþýlýk vermek ister,hayýr eden Sultandýr.

Baba kese atayým,ödeþelim seninle,
Olur evladým derler,diz çökerler hemence,
Kese vurur sýrtýna,yoklar bazen Babayý,
Aðzýný arar hemen,fikir almak muradý.

Bakar mýsýn þu iþe,keþke vezir olsaydýk,
Böyle miskin olmayýp,zevk sefaya dalsaydýk,
Sultan Murat askeri,çýnlatýrlar hamamý,
Veziriyle beraber,basarlar vaveylayý.

Sen ve bense burada,iki hýrsýz gibiyiz,
Korkarak yýkanýp da,onlardan gizleniriz,
Habib Baba konuþur,söyler kendi hükmünü,
Kese düþer elinden,Sultan bunu duydu mu.

Be Evladým der Baba,Sultan Muratta kimdir?
Sevdir kendini Hakka,Ona varlýðýn bildir,
Seni severse Mevla,Sultan Murat gönderir,
Sýrtýna kese atar,kirlerin temizletir.




Yasarlar Habib Baba, in the period of Sultan Murat,
Old poor and lonely, but blessed one,
Come at the end of the expedition, settle in Istanbul,
To throw its powder, it arrives at the room bath.

Spirit body to cleanse and balance intention,
Hit the pouch skin, purify impurities,
Hamamcý Sokmaz him, Viziers are always inside,
Closed bath today, go and wait outside.

Habib Baba is sorry, he begs for gratitude,
He says I do not appear to anyone, and takes refuge in Hakka,
I am ashamed of my Lord, with this dirty body,
It makes the Hamamcý bored, with his tongue smelling coy.

Hamamcý cannot stand it, he is just right,
He accepts the father, he welcomes the bath,
They show a room, come out quickly in the wash,
Soldiers with the Vüzera, notice it.

Rejoice Habib Baba, he enters the room immediately,
She takes off the dress and pours the water on her head
Comes out a young man, tall and tall,
It is poor outside, but similar to Sultan Murad.

Changed disguise, wondering military,
Let me see my bath, let me see the viziers,
Wore clothes, came to the bathhouse,
The poor do not put him in the bath because you are poor.

The Sultan convinces at the end,
Whispers in your ear, get into that room right now,
Wash off immediately, don’t wake up soldiers,
It’s dangerous here or they’ll cut you.

Soiled Sultan Murat, next to Habib Baba,
Together, they start to bathe,
Voices come from within, the fun has begun,
The song songs voices come out with a bum.

Habib Baba look at the friend in the room,
Your body is dirty, if I hit your back,
My child, would you like me to throw you a purse,
Mawla does not report it to his guardian servant that day.

The Sultan will be surprised, nobody will do good,
Without waiting for anything, especially on such a day,
They just kneel, so your hands will not be in trouble,
Hit the pouch on my back, my body will be cleansed.

The voices continue inside, they ring the bath,
Habib Baba finishes, the Sultan of sacs,
The Sultan makes an offer, after all he is a human being,
He wants to respond, he is the sultan who does good.

Father, let me throw a purse, let’s get even with you,
They say okay child, they just kneel down,
The pouch hits his back, sometimes they search the Father,
He called his mouth immediately, wanted to get an idea.

Look at that, I wish we were viziers,
If we were not lazy and delighted,
Sultan Murat soldier, they ring the bath,
Together with his vizier, they conquer the vowel.

You and me here we are like two thieves,
We bathe in fear and hide from them,
Habib Baba speaks, speaks his judgment,
The pouch falls from his hand, has the Sultan heard about it?

Says I am Son, Father, who is Sultan Muratta?
Love yourself Hakka, let him know your presence,
If he loves you, Mevla will send Sultan Murat,
Throws a pouch on his back, cleans the dirt.

27.04.2015 // KIRIKKALE

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