





Bi Cümle



Geldi yoksul bir adam,Ahmet bin Hadraveyh’e,
Fakirim öksüz hemde ,çare göster derdime,
Getir dedi mübarek,yazýver meslekleri,
Bir torbaya koyuver sen,yapýlan tüm iþleri.

Geldi bir gün huzurda,elinde vardý torba,
Mübarek þeyh daldýrdý,kaðýt doluydu torba,
Yazýlýydý kaðýtta,çýka çýka vurguncu,
Dedi garip kimseye,-Senin nasip Vurguncu,

Þaþýrdý adam önce,boyun eðdi hemence,
Böyle uygun gördüler,yaparým dedi bende,
Geldi Haramilere,katýlsam ben sizlere,
Kabul ederiz ama,uyar isen bizlere.

Kaldý bir kaç gün orda,oldu sanki eþkiya,
Çýktý ordan bir kervan,saldýrdýlar kervana,
Kervanda vardý zengin,yakaladý eþkiya,
Reis dedi yoksula,-Kes baþýný baltayla.

Duraksadý gariban,-Reis haksýzlýk yapar,
Masumdur zengin tüccar,Allahým bana sorar,
Eþkiyanýn Reisi,-haydi kesiver baþý,
Yapmaz isen git burdan,ayýralým yollarý.

Sýyýrdý kýlýncýný,çaldý hemen Reise,
Daðýldý eþkiyalar,Reisleri ölünce,
Kurtuldu orda kervan,þükür etti Allaha,
Memnun olmuþtu zengin,onu boðdu altuna.

Hikmet vardýr her iþte,takdir etmiþ ezelde,
Ýnsan tercih etmeli,hayýrlýsý ne ise,
Ýstemeli helali,haram sokar ateþe,
Geçici handýr dünya,girer insan ateþe.




A poor man came to Ahmet bin Hadraveyh,
I am poor and an orphan, give me a solution,
Bring it, said the blessed, scribe professions,
You put it in a bag, all the work done.

One day he came in presence, he had the bag in his hand,
The holy sheikh dipped, the bag was full of paper,
It was written on the paper, the profiteer appeared,
Said to the strange person, -Your destiny, Vurguncu,

The man was stunned first, he bowed,
That’s how they saw fit, he said I will do it,
He came to thieves, if I join you,
We accept it, but if you warn us.

He stayed there for a few days, it was like a bandit,
A caravan came out, they attacked the caravan,
The rich were on the caravan, caught the bandit,
The chief said to the poor, - Cut your head with an ax.

Hesitated poorly, -Reis is doing wrong,
The rich merchant is innocent, God asks me,
Chief of the bandits, - cut the head,
If you don’t, go away, let’s break them out.

Reise stripped his sword, stole immediately,
The bandits scattered, when their chief died,
The caravan survived there, thank God,
The rich was delighted, he smothered him in gold.

There is wisdom in every business,
People should choose whatever is better,
He / she puts halal and haram into the fire,
Temporary haunt world, man enters fire.

20.11.2014 // KIRIKKALE

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