





Bi Cümle




Yüklendiler sýrtýna,yürüdü soluyarak,
Su kýrbasý omzunda,gidiyor aðýr aksak,
Karþý geldi bir adam,aldýlar kýrbasýný,
Koþarak geldi evden,ufaktý çocuklarý.

Girdi yabancý adam,omuzunda kýrbayla,
Beyin yok mudur senin,diye sordu kadýna,
Çaresiz kadýn dedi,-Þehit oldu askerde,
Nasýl kýzmayým þimdi,ben Halife Aliye,

Çýktý dýþarý adam,veda etti onlara,
Uyku haramdý ona,gece vardý sabaha,
Aldý eline file,doldurdu evden erzak,
Vardý yoksul kadýna,hep nefsine kýzarak.

Kimsin dedi içerden-Dün gece gelenim ben,
Erzak getirdim size,hayýrlý zengin evden,
Buyur etti içeri-Razý olsun Hak senden,
Hakkýmý alsýn Allah,Ali bin Ebu Talip’den.

Kadýn açtý kapýyý,girdi yabancý eve,
Yardým edeyim sana,bakýver bebeklere,
Kadýn yaparým dedi,senden güzel ekmeði,
Çocuklarý sen oyala,elimden gelir hepsi.

Girdi kadýn mutfaða,hamur yaptý teknede,
Yabancý adam hemen,hazýrdýr hurma etle,
Eliyle verdi orda,çocuklarý doyurdu,
Kusuru vardýr Ali’nin,helal edin diyordu.

Hazýrdý taze hamur,ateþ yak kardeþ sende,
Yabancý adam yüzü,yaklaþtýrdý ateþe,
Yetime bakmadýn sen,cezasý budur iþte,
Tat sýcaklýðý burda,yanacaksýn ateþte.

Geldi dýþardan biri,komþulardan bir kadýn,
Bu Halife Ali’dir,sen nasýl tanýmadýn?
Özür diledi kadýn,eyvahlar olsun bana,
Halife özür bizden,nolur beni baðýþla.




They put on his back, he walked breathing,
The water whip on his shoulder, he goes slowly,
A man disobeyed, they took his whip,
He came running from home, his little children.

Entered the stranger, with a whip on his shoulder,
Don’t you have a brain? He asked the woman.
Helpless woman said, -She was martyred in the army,
How can I not be angry now, I am Caliph Alia,

The man came out, said goodbye to them,
It was haram for him to sleep, the night came to morning,
He took an elephant in his hand, filled the house with provisions,
There was a poor woman, always angry with the soul.

Who are you said from the inside- I came last night,
I brought you supplies from the good rich house,
He commanded you to come in.
May Allah take my due from Ali bin Abu Talib.

The woman opened the door, entered the stranger house,
Let me help you, take care of the babies,
The woman said I would make the better bread than you,
You keep the kids busy, I can do it all.

The woman entered the kitchen, made dough on the boat,
The stranger is ready at once with palm meat,
He gave it there with his hand, he fed the children,
He was saying that Ali has a fault.

It was ready, fresh dough, make a fire, you have brother,
The stranger’s face brought him closer to the fire,
You haven’t looked at the orphan, that’s the punishment
Taste temperature here, you will burn on fire.

Someone from outside came, a neighbor woman,
This is Caliph Ali, how did you not know?
Woman apologized, woe to me,
Caliph apologize from us, please forgive me.

20.11.2014 // KIRIKKALE

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