





Bi Cümle


leb-i şima


Döne döne ayný noktada ,
Bulur kendini insan.
Ne kadar farklý yaþasa da ayný yerde ,
Biter hayat.

Iþýklarýna kanýlýr bazen
Renkli dünyalarýn.
Bazen de kuyusunda yaþanýr
Oluþturulan bataklarýn.

Seslenir ardý sýra defalarca
Duyulmak istenmeyen çocukluk.
Ve dönüp dururken ayný yerde
Yalnýzlýðýn sesinde uyuþup kalýnýr.

Hayatý yaþamaya çalýþýr kiþi ,
Gülmeyi unutarak.
Ne kadar çabalansa da ,
Ölmek kolay gelir herþeyden.

Ve Ýnsanlar !
Baþka baþka yüzlerde dosttur.
Baþka baþka kalpleri olsa da ,
Dilleri ayný yalandýr.

Kimi býçak sýrtýnda ,
Týrnaklarý ile kazýr hayatý.
Kimi de onlarýn sýrtýndan ,
Yaþar bedava.

Mevsimler köreltilir,
Yýllar torbaya konulur.
Acýdýkça yürekler,
Atýlýr hayata bir çentik daha.

Döne döne ayný noktada ,
Bulur kendini insan.
Ne kadar farklý yaþa da ayný yerde ,
Biter hayat.



Rotating at the same point
Stays people.
How different he lives in the same place,
Life ends.

sometimes deceived lights
Color worlds.
Sometimes some people live in wells,
At the resulting marshes.

Then repeatedly makes calls
Unwanted children to be heard.
And return to the same place to stand
Us to stay the sound of loneliness.

Tries to live the life of people
Forgetting to laugh.
Although how much effort
Death comes easily to all.

And the people!
Also faces another friend.
Also make friends with other faces,
Languages same lie.

Some people knife-edge,
Humans cling to life with nails.
Some humans live theirs shoulders,
To live free.

And again rotating at the same point
Stays people.
How different he lives in the same place,
Life ends.

Writer : Faize KISACIK

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