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Sevmeyi Öğren - Learn How To Love - MEVLANA CD

Sevmeyi Öğren - Learn How To Love - MEVLANA CD

Sevmeyi Öðren

Yerinmez ve sevinmez, imanlý kullar
Hakikati bilirler, anlayan onlar.
Nefsi terk eylemiþsen, sakýn zanlardan
Yaþamla bir tutanlar, ölüme dostlar.

Açýktýr merhabaya kalp kapýlarý
Sonsuzluða taþýnýr, dostça kelamý
Nefsi terk eylemiþsen, sakýn zanlardan
Yol kardeþliði budur, bitmez kelamý.

Secdede aydýnlanýr, öz karanlýðýn
Þifadýr yalnýzlara, dostça kelamýn
Nefsi terk eylemiþsen, sakýn zanlardan
Vakitle dost olmalý dardýr zamanýn.

Vaktin de var olmalý, mutlak eceli
Eserler üretirsen, kalýr ebedi
Nefsi terk eylemiþsen, sakýnýr zanlardan
Tek gerçek olan aþktýr ve en güzeli.

Unutma herkes korkar, sevgisizlerden
Boþuna yaþýyorsun, ýrak sevgiden
Nefsi terk eylemiþsin, sakýn zanlardan
Kâinat aþk içindir, sevmeyi öðren.



Learn How To Love

Beleivers who never regret and feel happy
Know the truth and understand besides.
Avoid suspects if you left the bodily appetites
They accept death as birth, comrade to the death.

Doors of their hearts are open to the hellos
Your friendly greeting removs to the eternity
Avoid suspects if you left the bodily appetites.
This is brotherhood of route, your remark never stops.

At the prayer rug, your self darkness becomes bright
Your friendly spceeh is remedy to the solitary ones.
Avoid suspects if you left the bodily appetites.
It’s good to be comrade with time, life is short.

Time may have a final surely
If you produce works, you’ll live forever
Avoid suspects if you left the bodily appetites
The only truth is love, and the prettiest one.

Don’t forget everybody afraid of unloveable ones
You live uselessly if you don’t have any love
Avoid suspects if you left the bodiliy appetites
Cocmos is for love, learn how to love.

Poem: Can AKIN
Translation: Nilüfer DURSUN

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