





Bi Cümle


Manevi İklimler Ozanı Mevlana

Manevi İklimler Ozanı Mevlana

Sevgi kapýsýný, açan Mevlana
Gönül ateþiyle, yanan Mevlana
’Ümitsizlik kapýsý, deðil bu kapý
Nasýlsan öyle gel’, diyor Mevlana

Gönüller sultaný o, aynasý Rabbin
Ozanlarýn piri, bütün dinlerin
Sevgi hoþgörüyü, sundu cihana
Çaðlayan ýrmaðý, tüm iklimlerin

Peygamber deðildi, kitabý vardý
Dünyamýzda derin, izleri kaldý
Kadýný yüceltti, affetti suçu
Bütün insanlýða, candan bir yardý

Ýnsaný insana, öðretendi o
Ýlahi ýþýktý, bir güneþti o
’Ben ol da bil’ dedi, aþký sorana
Vuslat düðünüydü, ölümlüydü o

Ey manevi güneþ, candýn canlara
Kýldan ince boynum, aþkýn yoluna
Gecemiz gündüze, dönsün sevgiyle
Bir ýþýk yak da gel, can dostlarýna

Can Akýn

Poet Of The Moral Climates Mevlana

Mevlana who opens the door of love
Mevlana who burns with the love of hearts
’This isn’t the door of hopelessness
Come in any case’ said Mevlana

He’s the sultan of heart, mirror of God
Master of the poets and all the religions
Presented love, tolerance to the world
Crashing river of all the climates

He wasn’t a prophet, had a book
His deep foot prints remained in our world
Exhalted the woman, forgave the fault
Was a real comrade to the humanity

He who taught man to man
Was a divine light, a sun
’Be also like me, know’ to who asked the love
Reunion was his wedding-day, he was transitory

O, moral sun, you’re a soul to the souls
My neck is thinner than hair to the way of love
Let our night turn to the daylight with love
Come,light a fire to the comrades of your soul

Poem: Can AKIN
Translated by: Nilüfer DURSUN
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