





Bi Cümle


Mevlana'dan Öğütler - Advices From Mevlana

Mevlana'dan Öğütler - Advices From Mevlana

Mevlana’dan Öðütler

Yerde gökte arama,
Sevgiliyi boþ yere.
Hakikatin sýrlarý,
Ýmanlý gönüllerde

Ruhun gerçek gýdasý,
Yalnýz Allah nurudur.
Sarýlalým Kur’ana,
Yolumuz aþk yoludur.

Varlýðýn özü sevgi,
Aþkla diri kalalým.
Fanilik zindanýnda,
Ateþiyle yanalým.

Hamalý olma sen gel,
Beden denen odunun.
Misk-i amber sürsen de,
Duyulur kötü kokun

En sadýk yardýr iþin,
Ona sýmsýký sarýl,
Dostun bile sadece,
Kabrin baþýnda kalýr.

Can Akýn

Advices From Mevlana

Do not look for
The darling uselessly
The secret of the reality
Is in the believer heart

Real food of the soul
Is the light of the God only
Let’s surround Quran
Our way is the love

Love is the self of being
Let’s remain alive with love
In the prison of transitory
Let’s burn with it’s fire

Come on don’t be the porter
Of the wooden body
If it smells clean and sweet
Your bad perfume can be smelled

The best friend is your job
Surround it very tightly
Even your best comrade
Remains in the head of your grave

Poem: Can AKIN ·
Translated by: Nilüfer DURSUN
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