





Bi Cümle


Aklen ve ilmen yakın, şu rezilliğe bakın !
Mustafaoğlu İlyas

Aklen ve ilmen yakın, şu rezilliğe bakın !

Birinci Dünya harbini çýkaranlar , neticede toparlandýlar
Osmanlýyý parçaladýlar, Osmanlý topraklarýna kukla devletler atadýlar
Ýkinci Dünya harbini çýkaranlar,neticede toparlandýlar
Osmanlý topraklarýnda siyonizmi devlet yaptýlar
Yetmiþ beþ yýldýr iyi polis kötü polis tiyatrosunu oynadýlar,
kültür emperyalizmi yoluyla kendilerini medeni çaðdaþ barýþçýl olarak lanse ettiler
Dünya`nýn her tarafýnda mazlumlarý sömürüp katl ettiler
Kurduklarý BM sayesinde Dünya`yý beþ iþgalcinin insafýna býraktýlar
Bitti mi ihtiraslarý ? asla,on yýllardýr adý konulmamýþ
Üçüncü dünya harbini devam ettiriyorlar...
Bazen kurduklarý terör örgütleriyle, bazen kukla devletleriyle....
Bugün Gazze`de yapýlan soykýrým`da haçlý siyonist ittifakýnýn
tezahürüdür. Yetmiþ beþ yýldýr iþgal edilen vatanlarýnda
kurtuluþ mücadelesi verenleri,terörist ilan edip, ,
kendilerinden baþkayý insan saymayan siyonistlere
katl ettiriyorlar...Hemde birinci ve ikinci Dünya harbini çýkaranlarýn
destek ve korkunç silahlarýyla ...Filistini ablukaya almýþlar,
en doðal ihtiyaçlardan maðrum býrakýp, Gazze`de çoluk çocuk demeden,
hastane okul demeden,ibadet hane demeden
haritadan siliyorlar.Dün soykýrýma uðradýklarýnda;
kendilerine sahip çýkan kucak açan
Müslümanlara soykýrým yapýyorlar. Dün sokirim yapanlarda bugün yine soykýrým yapanlarýn yanýnda yer alýyorlar..Yani birinci ve ikinci dünya harbini çýkarýp , hatta birbirleriyle savaþanlarýn çoðuda
ayný safta yer alýyorlar, kuklalarýda susuyorlar..
Gazze belkim yerle bir oldu fakat, bu rezil ittifakta yerle yeksan oluyor
Ey hür Dünya halklarý ! oynanan rezil oyuna bakýn !
yeter artýk dur de tavrýný takýn!

Mustafaoðlu Ýlyas--------------
Close in mind and knowledge, look at this disgrace!

Those who started the First World War eventually recovered
They dismembered the Ottoman Empire and appointed puppet states to Ottoman lands
Those who started the Second World War eventually recovered
They made Zionism a state in Ottoman lands
They played the good cop, bad cop theater for seventy-five years,
Through cultural imperialism, they presented themselves as civilized, contemporary, peaceful
They exploited and murdered the oppressed all over the world
Thanks to the UN they founded, they left the world at the mercy of five invaders.
Are their ambitions over? never, unnamed for decades
They continue the third world war...
Sometimes with the terrorist organizations they established, sometimes with their puppet states....
Crusader Zionist alliance in the genocide committed in Gaza today
It is a manifestation. In their homeland, which has been occupied for seventy-five years
Declaring those who struggle for liberation as terrorists,
Zionists who do not consider anyone other than themselves human
They massacre... And the same ones who started the first and second world wars.
They blockaded Palestine with their support and terrible weapons,
depriving Gaza of its most natural needs, without regard to children,
Without saying hospital, school, place of worship
They are erasing it from the map. When they suffered genocide yesterday;
embracing oneself
They are committing genocide against Muslims. Those who committed genocide are those who commit genocide again today.
They are on their side. In other words, most of those who started the first and second world wars and even fought each other.
They are on the same side, their puppets are also silent
Gaza may have been destroyed, but it is being destroyed by this disgraceful alliance.
O free peoples of the world! Look at the infamous game being played!
That’s enough, stop and take a stand!

Mustafaoglu Ýlyas
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