





Bi Cümle


Filistinli çocuklardan
Mustafaoğlu İlyas

Filistinli çocuklardan

Sizler ey bu Dünya`nýn hür geçinen halklarý
Bu feryatlarýmýzý duyabilir misiniz
Zehirli bombalarý atmýþ tonluk tanklarý
Bebek katillerine satabilir misiniz?

Þayet vicdanlarýnýz evet diyor sa size
Daha fazla üretin yaðdýrýn hanemize
Aksýn masum kanýmýz her an ekmeðinize
Ekmeði çoluk çocuk yiyebilir misiniz?

Zerre vicdaný olan bunlara evet demez
Vahþilerlan birleþip çocuk kanlarý emmez
Soykýrým yapanlara susana insan denmez
Bizi katl edenlere diyebilir misiniz?

Deðerim var diyenler biraz empati yapsýn
Çýðlýðýmý duyarken çocuklarýna baksýn !
Yarýn çok geç olmadan bugün ayaða kalksýn
Þerefsiz bir Dünya`yý sevebilir misiniz ?

Severiz diyorsanýz býraktýk sizin olsun
Þerefsiz Hakka hesap verebilir misiniz?
Mustafaoðlu ilyas
from Palestinian children
You, O free people of this world,
Can you hear these cries of ours?
Ton tanks that dropped poisonous bombs
Can you sell it to baby killers?

If your conscience tells you yes,
Produce more and pour it into our household
Let our innocent blood flow on your bread every moment
Can you eat bread as a child?

Anyone with an iota of conscience would not say yes to these.
Savages do not unite and suck the blood of children
Those who remain silent against those who committed genocide cannot be considered human.
Can you say that to those who murdered us?

Those who say they have value should show some empathy.
Let him take care of his children while hearing my scream!
Stand up today before tomorrow is too late
Can you love a dishonorable world?

If you say you like it, we let it be yours.
Can you be accountable to the dishonorable God?

Mustafaoglu ilyas

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