Nereden gelirsin kimin nesisin,
Bir yaralý ceylan gibi güzelsin,
Mis kokar saçlarýn kraliçemsin,
Beni can özümden yakýþýn güzel.
Pýnarýn baþýnda suyun doldurur,
Doldurur da gül benzini soldurur,
Senin sevdan beni erken öldürür,
Bir berrak su gibi akýþýn güzel.
Kalbimin yarasý sensiz kapanmaz,
Seven gönül aðlar bir gün uslanmaz,
Seni almaz isem yaralar onmaz,
Yarama melhemi çalýþýn güzel.
Elinde testisi yürür heybetle,
Nolur güzel bir dur bir beni dinle,
Yaktýn ciðerimi güzelliðinle,
Dönüp de arkana bakýþýn güzel.
Sultansýn evimde bana gelirsen,
Senindir herþeyim benim olursan,
Köleyim kapýnda sahip olursan,
Boynuma zinciri takýþýn güzel.
Ellerin sýcacýk ipek saçlarýn,
Mestan eder beni o bakýþlarýn,
Dermandýr derdime ahu nazlarýn,
Nazlýca ördüðün nakýþýn güzel.
Salýný salýný çalým satarsýn,
Güzelliðin ile hava atarsýn,
Sen bu gençliðinle canlar yakarsýn,
Aylardýr kalbimi yakýþýn güzel.
Kalemler yazdýysa benim olasýn,
Dualar kabulse bana gelesin,
Hüdayin hep bekler gelin olasýn,
Gelinlik giyerek çýkýþýn güzel.
Where do you come from, who are you?
You are beautiful like a wounded gazelle,
You are the queen of fragrant hair,
Good for me with my heart.
At the beginning of the spring water fills,
It fills up and fills the rose gasoline,
Your love kills me early,
Nice flowing like a clear water.
The wound of my heart will not heal without you,
Loving hearts cry do not settle down one day,
If I don’t take you, the wounds won’t heal
Good work with the balm to the wound.
His jug walks with grandeur,
Please, stop, listen to me,
You burned my lungs with your beauty
It’s nice to turn around and look back.
You’re a sultan if you come to me in my house,
My all is yours if you are mine
If you have my slave at your door,
It’s nice to wear a chain around my neck.
Your hands, your warm silk hair,
Your eyes make me mestan,
My sorrow is my sorrow, ahu,
Your embroidery is beautiful.
You sell your raft on a swing,
You show off with your beauty,
You hurt with this youth,
It is nice that you burn my heart for months.
If he wrote pens, you would be mine,
If the prayers are accepted, let him come to me,
Hudayin awaits you, you may come,
It’s nice to wear a wedding dress.
05.04.2017 // KIRIKKALE
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