Öðretmen belletti yazý yazmayý,
Yazmýþtýk ilk önce anne babayý,
Çalýþtýk yýlboyu kazandýk kupayý,
Herþeyi sen öðrettin öðretmenim.
Yorulup býkmadan yazý yazdýrdýn,
Düþünce de yere hemen tutardýn,
Anne baba gibi kucak açardýn,
Herþeyi sen öðrettin öðretmenim.
Alfabe öðrettin tahta baþýnda,
Matematik Fen Din Türkçe sýrada,
Bizle top oynardýn ders arasýnda,
Herþeyi sen öðrettin öðretmenim.
Acýksa karnýmýz hemen sorardýn,
Sararsa benzimiz merhem arardýn,
Saçlarýmý hergün nasýl tarardýn,
Herþeyi sen öðrettin öðretmenim.
Tarihi güzelce anlattýn bize,
Mohaçlar Plevne ve Çanakkale,
Ýzmir’de Yunaný döktük denize,
Herþeyi sen öðrettin öðretmenim.
Aþk-ý Peygamberi bize bellettin,
Uhud’u Bedir’i Hendeð’i verdin,
Ýlahi kasideyle bizi mestettin,
Herþeyi sen öðrettin öðretmenim.
Özlerdin bir gün görmesen bizi,
Oðlun kýzýn gibi severdin bizi,
Bayramda kandilde arardýn bizi,
Herþeyi sen öðrettin öðretmenim.
Öðretmenin hakký ödenmez asla,
Hüdayi öðretmen sanki ana baba,
Iþýk saçar öðretmenler dünyaya,
Herþeyi sen öðrettin öðretmenim.
The teacher informed how to write,
First we wrote about parents,
We worked and won the trophy all year long,
You taught everything, teacher.
You wrote the article without getting tired and tired,
Thought you would just hit the ground,
You would embrace like a parent,
You taught everything, teacher.
You taught the alphabet at the board
Mathematics, Science, Religion, Turkish,
You played ball with us in between lessons
You taught everything, teacher.
If our stomach was hungry, you would ask immediately,
If it turns yellow, you would look for ointment,
How would you comb my hair everyday,
You taught everything, teacher.
You told us the history well
Mohaçlar Plevne and Çanakkale,
We poured the Greek into the sea in Izmir,
You taught everything, teacher.
You told us the Prophet of Love,
You gave Uhud, Badr, Hendagh,
You enchanted us with your divine ode,
You taught everything, teacher.
One day you would miss us if you didn’t see us
Your son loved us like your daughter,
You would call us on the oil lamp during the feast,
You taught everything, teacher.
Teacher’s rights are never paid,
Hüdayi teacher is as if the parents,
Shining teachers to the world,
You taught everything, teacher.
12.04.2017 // KIRIKKALE
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