Anam derdi ki yavrum;kimseyi küçük görme, Gururlanýp bir anda ,yerme dostu meclisde, Aldandý þeytan orda,Adem topraktan dedi, Kovdu Rabbim huzurdan,ebedi tardedildi.
Anam derdi ki yavrum;küçüklere sevgi duy, Rabbin emri önde tutup,ayet-i Kur’ana uy, Aðaç yaþken eðilir,insan okur çocukken, Taþ olur büyüyünce,kýrýlýr beden hemen.
Anam derdi ki yavrum;basma çürük dallara, Hem dünyada ahrette,dayan oðlum Allaha, Olsun dostlarýn senden,her konuda ileri, Arif olan öðrenir,dostlardan bilgileri.
Anam derdi ki yavrum;postumu Kursa gönder, Saygý duy Hocalara,olurlar Hakka önder, Seherlerde sabahta,otur postun üstüne, Baþbaþa ol Rabbinle,hem gece de gündüzde.
Anam derdi ki yavrum;iyi seç dostlarýný, Verme sýr tutmazlara,sen ince sýrlarýný, Bilirse iki kiþi,olmaktan çýkar sýrlar, Yayýlýr her köþeye,döner sýrtýna oklar.
Anam derdi ki yavrum;öfke þeytan iþidir, Yakýp yýkan dünyayý,bir erkekle diþidir, Kýzar isen birine,güzelce al abdesti, Oku felakla nasý,def et mel’un iblisi.
Anam derdi ki yavrum;kimseye kin besleme, Önce yakýp yýkýp da,sonra özür dileme, Kimseye kalmaz dünya,maðrur olma malýna, Bak kabre girenlere,sýrtýnda var mý hýrka.
Anam derdi ki yavrum;Hakka þükür gerekir, Gidermiþ ni’met yoksa,kalpde olmasýn kibir, Gelip geçer sýkýntý,bitmez kulun cezasý, Benzer dünya zindana,cennettedir sefasý.
Anam derdi ki yavrum;istiyorsan sen huzur, Her sabahta akþamda,Rabbin divanýna dur, En güzeli namazdýr,kul çýkýyor miraca, Ýner yüzüne nurlar,beden varýr huzura.
Anam derdi ki yavrum;kanaat et malýna, Israf en büyük günah,insan düþer fakýra, Nice zenginler fakir,nice fakirler zengin, Sakýn arama boþa,alemde bulunmaz dengin.
Anam derdi ki yavrum;nankörlerden uzak dur, Dalmýþ boyca günaha,kalmaz ki onda huzur, Sen dua et bunlara,Rabbim bilir onlarý, Þu alemde var olan,hepsi Rabbin kullarý.
Anam derdi ki yavrum;çeþit çeþit insanlar, Beyaz kimi de siyah,arif olanlar anlar, Olan da hikmet gizli,mükafaati ahrette, Sabrederse aðmalar,girecekmiþ cennete.
Anam derdi ki yavrum;diplomana güvenme, Harmanda düven sürme,el atýna binip de, Elden gelen onulmaz,her zamanda bulunmaz, Emaneti alýrlar,canlar bedende kalmaz.
Anam derdi ki yavrum;ölüm bir anda gelir, Sebep olur bir þeyler,Azraile yüklenir. Dünya da kalan olsa,dünya bize yeter mi? Ýnsan ibret almalý,dünya deðirmen sanki..
My mother used to say, my child; don’t despise anyone, In a moment of pride, in a friendly assembly, The devil was deceived there, said Adam from the ground, My Lord fired from peace, eternally destroyed.
My mother used to say, my baby; love the little ones, Keep the order of the Lord ahead and obey the verse of the Qur’an, The tree bends when it is old, when one reads as a child, When the stone grows, the body breaks immediately.
My mother used to say, my child, to rotten branches, Both in the afterlife in the world, endure my son, God, Let your friends be advanced in everything from you, Arif learns the information from friends.
My mother used to say my baby; send my post to the Course, Respect the teachers, they will be the leader of Hakka, At dawn in the morning, sit on the coat, Be alone with your Lord, both day and night.
My mother used to say, my baby; choose your friends well, Do not give your secrets, you fine secrets, If two people know, secrets cease to be, Arrows spread around every corner, turns on his back.
My mother used to say, baby; anger is devil’s business, He is a male and a female that devastates the world, If you are angry to someone, take a good ablution, Read how it feels, defeat the demon of Mel.
My mother used to say, my baby; do not grudge anyone, Burn it down first and then don’t apologize, The world is left for nobody, to be proud, Look at those who enter the grave, do you have a cardigan?
My mother used to say, my child; Thank God we must, If there is no ni’met gone, arrogance should not be in the heart, The trouble comes and goes, the punishment of the servant does not end, Similar world is in dungeon, pleasure in heaven.
My mother used to say, my baby; if you want peace, Every morning, in the evening, stand to the Lord’s court, The most beautiful is prayer, the servant comes out miraca, Lights come to your face, body comes to peace.
My mother used to say, my baby; be content with your property, Wasting is the biggest sin, man falls to the poor, Many rich are poor, many poor are rich, Do not search for nothing, you will not be found in the realm.
My mother used to say, baby; stay away from the ungrateful, He is immersed in temptation, there is no peace in him, You pray for them, my Lord knows them, All that exist in this realm are the servants of the Lord.
My mother used to say, my child; all kinds of people, White and some black, wise ones understand, What is wisdom is hidden, his reward is in the hereafter, If he is patient, he will cry, he will enter heaven.
My mother used to say, baby; don’t trust your diploma, Do not be confident in the threshing floor, riding on a hand horse, It is irreparable, not always available, They take the trust, souls do not remain in the body.
My mother used to say, my baby; death comes at once, Something would cause, Azraile is loaded. If there is a rest in the world, is the world enough for us? One should take lessons, the world is like a mill.
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