





Bi Cümle




Çok eski yýllardaydý,Kayseri yanmaktaydý,
Sardý kurak heryeri,toprak çatlamaktaydý,
Toplandý hacý hoca,bu çare aradý,
Dolaþtýlar heryeri,suçluyu bulamadý.

Buna sebep ne idi,kimin günahý vardý,
En ufak zulüm yapan,çok büyük ceza aldý.
Eksilmedi kuraklýk,yaðmýyordu bir damla,
Aylarca sürdü bu hal,vardý dualar arþa.

Geldi mübarek bir zat,Hasan Baba adýnda,
Yürüyordu sokakta,sakallý elinde asa,
Yüzü bakýyor yere,kalabalýk ardýnda,
Konuþmuyor kelime,çýktý þehir dýþýna.

Geldi Bozdað yanýna,durdular eteðinde,
Kaldýrdý gözlerini,seslendi Destur diye,
Kýmýldar Bozdað biraz,ses geldi Veliye,
Destur sana Hasan,konuþtu nezih dille.

Kalabalýk þaþýrdý,cümle olan bitene,
Dönüp Hasan Babaya,baktýlar saygý ile,
Ya Þeyh,Ya Derviþ,Ya Veli dinle sen bizi,
Senin adýn Hasanmýþ,öðrendik daðdan seni.

Gel sen bize imam ol,Hasan Dað gibi sen de,
Olamam size imam,cemaat olmaz sizde,
Dediler olacaðýz,ne dersen yapacaðýz.
Deneyelim bakalým,görüp de bakacaðýz.

Bozdað’ýn eteðinde,herkes abdesti aldý,
Ýmam Hasan Babaydý,ardýnda el baðladý,
Geçiyordu saatler,varmýyordu rukuya,
Akþam yatsý geçti de,vakit vardý sabaha.

Daðýlmadý cemaat,güneþ doðmak üzere,
Selam verdiler o an,yüzünde vardý neþ’e,
Döndürdü çehresini,yorgun bitkin insana,
Anlamýþtý alimler,vardý Hasan Baba’ya.

Görmedik böyle namaz,bu yaþa geldik böyle,
Unuttun sen bizleri,dünya yansa nafile,
Öyle mi oldu dedi,ne yapsaydým sizlere,
Hatýrlamalýydýn bizi,cemaat geldi dile.

Olmaz dünya namazda,kardeþler unutulmaz,
Terkettiniz hemþehriyi,böyle yakýnlýk olmaz,
Hayýr dedi cemaat,kimseyi unutmadýk,
Yoksul fakir arayýp,yaralarý hep sardýk.

Sordular Hasan Baba-Kambur Ekmekçi nerde?
Dolaþýr gündüz gece,melhem sürer fakire,
Dilenirdi bütün gün,daðýtýrdý her gece,
Çocuklar alay eder,þimdi yoktur nerede?

Kovduk onu þehirden,kimseler diyemedi,
Dediler Hasan Baba,unutmadý o sizi,
Gelen bunca musibet,þehirden kovmaktandýr.
Üzdünüz Hak dostunu,bu ceza Allahtandýr.

Nerde Kambur Ekmekçi,bulsak hemen gidip de,
Yalvaralým kendine,biz ettik sen etme diye,
Onlar gönül koymazlar,Velide olmaz kibir,
Size imam olacaktýr,giderseniz o gelir.

Kaldýrdý Hasan Baba,baþý bakar göklere,
Yaðmurla dolu bulut,Hasan Daðýn üstünde,
Þu bulutun altýnda,daðýn tam yan belinde,
Selam verdiðim oydu,konuþtum kendisiyle.

Alimler döndü ona,kayboldu Hasan Baba,
Yok olmuþtu sessizce,aradýlar boþuna,
Bir çýrpýda koþtular,varýp bulut altýna,
Bozdað Hasan Dað oldu,Kambur Ekmekçi orda.

Orada cümle hayvan,geyik baykuþla serçe,
Hayvanlar toplanmýþlar,su içirir eliyle,
Sizi Hasan gönderdi,biliyorum hepsini,
Sizinle geleceðim,bir þartla bekleyin beni.

Kabuldür her þartýnýz,imam olun siz bize,
Güldü Kambur Ekmekçi,darýlmaca yok diye,
Bir akþamda Kayseri’de,lebalep dolu camii,
Ezan okur müezzinler,almýyor cemaati.

Dediler bizi unutma,Hasan Baba misali,
Sen de bizi hatýrla,-Hatýrlarým elbet ki,
Allahu ekber diyerek,baþladýlar namaza,
Ardýnda cemaati,hep birden vardý Hakka.

Hatýrlar cemaati,bir bir dile getirir,
Ey Alim sen diyerek,sözü acý bitirir,
Dersin kitap yazayým,nasýlsa kambur geldi,
Çok para alsam dersin,kuraklýk sona erdi.

Sen Ey Oduncu kardeþ,odunlar yaþ olsaydý,
Aðýr çekip tartýda,cebin para dolsaydý,
Ey filanca istersin,alayým fakir kýzý,
Hiç Haktan korkmaz mýsýn,kalbinde yoktur sýzý.

Þaþýrmýþtý cemaat,hepsini sýraladý,
Adý geçen kaçtýlar,safta kimse kalmadý,
Bomboþtu artýk camii,yoktu safta bir kimse,
El açtýlar Allaha,dua etti melekle.

Sürdü dua sabaha,yaðmurlar yaðýyorken,
Allahým gönder þimdi,diyordular kalbinden,
Sal bize yaðmurunu,yýka güzelce þehri,
Ýçi göründü þehrimin,yaðdýr götürsün kiri.

Dua etti Hak dostu,dereler doldu taþtý,
Tevbe edip insanlar,hatasýný anladý.
Dedi kýrgýn deðilim,hakkým helaldir size,
Bizi Rabbim baðýþla,herþey senin elinde.




It was in the old years, Kayseri was on fire,
Covered the arid land, the earth was cracking,
Gathered pilgrimage, sought this remedy,
They wandered everywhere, could not find the criminal.

What was the reason for this, whose sin was,
Whoever did the slightest cruelty received an enormous punishment.
The drought did not decrease, a drop did not fall,
This situation lasted for months, there were prayers for the cross.

A blessed person came, named Hasan Baba,
He was walking on the street, a staff in his bearded hand,
His face is looking down, behind the crowd,
He doesn’t speak the word, he got out of town.

Bozdað came to his side, they stopped at his skirt,
He raised his eyes, called out to Destur,
Moving Bozdag a little bit, there was a voice for the Velie,
Destur you Hasan, spoke in a decent language.

The crowd was taken aback, what happened,
They turned and looked at Hasan Baba, with respect,
Either Sheikh, or Dervish, or Veli, listen to us,
Your name is Hasan, we learned about you from the mountain.

Come be an imam to us, you too, like Hasan Dað,
I cannot be you an imam, no congregation,
We will be said, we will do whatever you say.
Let’s try, we will see and see.

At the foot of Bozdað, everybody took ablution,
Imam Hasan was Baba, he tied hands behind him,
The hours were passing, the ruku was not arriving,
It was late in the evening, it was time to morning.

The congregation has not dispersed, the sun is about to rise,
They greeted the joy at that moment,
He turned his face to a tired weary man,
The scholars understood, there was Hasan Baba.

We have not seen such prayers, we have reached this age,
You forgot us, if the world burned in vain,
He said so, what if I did to you,
You should have remembered us, the congregation came to wish.

The world is not in prayer, brothers are unforgettable,
You left your fellow countryman, there is no such closeness,
The congregation said no, we have not forgotten anyone,
We searched the poor and the poor and always healed the wounds.

They asked Hasan Baba - where is Humpback Ekmekçi?
He circulates day and night, he applies ointment to the poor,
He would beg all day, he would distribute it every night,
The children make fun of it, where is it no longer?

We kicked him out of the city, nobody could say
They said Hasan Baba, he did not forget you,
All these misfortunes are for expelling from the city.
You upset the friend of God, this punishment is from Allah.

Where is Hunchback Ekmekçi, if we find it, go immediately,
Let’s beg you, we made you don’t
They do not set heart, arrogance does not happen to the Veli,
He will become an imam for you, if you go, he will come.

Hasan Baba raised his head to the skies,
Cloud filled with rain, Hasan is on the mountain,
Under that cloud, right on the side of the mountain,
He was the one I saluted, I talked to him.

Scholars turned to him, Hasan Baba disappeared,
It had disappeared silently, they sought in vain
They ran quickly, arrived under the cloud,
Bozdað became Hasan Dað, Hunchback Ekmekçi is there.

There the sentence animal, the deer owl and the sparrow,
The animals are gathered, they drink water by hand,
Hasan sent you, I know all of them,
I will come with you, wait for me on one condition.

Your every condition is acceptable, be an imam to us,
The Hunchback Ekmekçi laughed, saying that there is no offense,
One evening in Kayseri, the mosque full of lebalep,
Azan reads muezzins, not taking the congregation.

They said do not forget us, like Hasan Baba,
Remember us too, - I remember
Saying Allahu akbar, they started prayer,
Hakka was always behind him, his community.

It remembers the congregation one by one,
By saying O Alim you, the word bitter ends,
Let me write a book of the lesson, somehow the hunch came,
If I get a lot of money, the drought is over.

You, O Lumberjack brother, if the wood were old,
If you pulled and weighed slowly, if your pocket was full of money,
You want such and such, let me take the poor girl,
Don’t you be afraid of the Right? There is no pain in your heart.

The congregation was surprised, they listed them all,
Said they ran away, no one is left in the ranks,
The mosque was empty now, there was no one in the ranks,
They opened hands to God, he prayed with the angel.

Prayer continued in the morning, when it was raining,
God send now, they were saying from his heart,
Let us rain your rain, wash the city beautifully,
The inside of my city appeared, let it rain down the dirt.

He prayed, friend of truth, the streams were full,
People repented and understood their mistake.
He said I am not offended, my right is lawful to you,
Forgive us my Lord, everything is in your hands.

07.02.2017 // KIRIKKALE

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