





Bi Cümle




Meþhur velilerden idi Habib-i Acemi,
Göstermezdi keramet,tüm evliyalar gibi,
Yaþandý bu hadise,o zatýn zamanýnda,
Görülmedik hadise,bir acayip manzara.

Horasan’lý bir adam,sattý o yýl evini,
Yerleþtiler Basra’ya aldý on bin dirhemi,
Gitmek istedi hacca,buldu Habib Acemi,
Varýp onun yanýna,söyledi dileðini.

Gideceðim hanýmla,o mübarek beldeye,
Al þu on bin dirhemi,bir ev alsan sen bizlere,
Koyuldu o zat o gün,düþtü mübarek yola,
O gittikten sonra da,açlýk oldu Basra’da.

Aç kalmýþtý insanlar,geldi Habib Acem’e,
Ey mübarek Hak dostu,bize sen ihsan eyle,
Duramadý mübarek,daðýttý dirhemleri,
Sevindirdi o parayla,o fukara milleti.

Döndü Horasan’lý zat,ziyareti Kabe’den,
Sordu Habib Acem’e,bahsetsen bizim evden,
Buyurdu Habib Acem,aldým evi gidince,
Bir ev aldým Rabbimden,cennette süslü bahçe.

Memnun oldu o adam,haber verdi eþine,
Haným merakta hemen,adam tapu nerede,
Geldi Habib Acem’e,ondan tapu istedi,
Eliyle yazdý mübarek,ona bir senet verdi.

Yazýyordu senette,söz baþlar besmeleyle,
Bir tapudur bu senet,cennettedir bu bahçe,
Ona Allah verecek,bu güzelce bahçeyi,
Elbette kurtaracak,Rabbi Habib Acem’i.

Yaþadý Horasanlý zat,ancak kýrk gün daha,
Ölüm anýnda iken,vasiyyet etti halka,
Kefene koyun nolur,o mübarek senedi,
Öldüðü zaman gelip,yaptýlar vasiyyeti.

Geçti aradan zaman,kaðýt vardý kabirde,
Bir nurdan levhada,yazýyordu þöylece,
Bu Habib Acem’in,aldýðý evin beratý,
Rabbi Habib Acem’i,bu borcundan kurtardý.

Okudular yazýyý,hemen sürdü yüzüne,
Koþtu dostlar yanýna,kapandýlar secdeye,
Aðlýyordu sevinçten,mübarek Habib Acem,
Allahým berat verdi,Resulünden mucizem.




Habib-i Acemi was one of the famous parents,
He would not show the miracle, like all saints,
This incident happened in the time of that person,
An unseen event, a strange sight.

A man from Khorasan sold his house that year,
They settled in Basra and took ten thousand dirhams,
He wanted to go to the pilgrimage, Habib Novice found it,
He arrived to her, said his wish.

I will go with my lady, to that blessed town,
Buy that ten thousand dirhams, if you buy a house for us,
That person set off that day, he fell on the blessed road,
After he left, there was hunger in Basra.

People were starving, came to Habib Acem,
O blessed friend of God, grant us grant,
He could not stop, blessed, he distributed dirhams,
He made the poor people happy with that money.

The person from Khorasan returned from the Kaaba,
Asked Habib Acem, if you talk about our house,
Habib Acem said, I bought the house when I left,
I bought a house from my Lord, ornate garden in heaven.

Glad the man informed his wife,
Lady immediately wondering where is the man deed,
He came to Habib Acem, he asked him for the title deed,
Blessed wrote with his hand, he gave him a bill.

It was written on the deed, the word begins with the basmala,
This deed is a deed, this garden is in heaven,
God will give him this beautiful garden,
Of course he will save his Rabbi Habib Acem.

Khorasan man lived, but forty more days,
At the moment of death, he bequeathed the people
Put it on a shroud, please, that blessed deed,
When he died, they came and did it.

Time passed, there was paper in the grave,
On a light plate, it was written like that,
This is the charter of the house Habib Acem bought,
Rabbi Habib Acem freed him from this debt.

They read the text, he immediately put it on his face,
The friends rushed beside him, they fell prostrate,
Habib Acem was crying for joy, the blessed Habib Acem,
My God has granted grants, my miracle from His Messenger.

09.02.2017 // KIRIKKALE
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