





Bi Cümle




Tarihini unutma,tarih tekerrür eder,
Bilmeyen tarihini,ayak altýnda heder,
Bizlerde bir zamanlar,nasýl büyük Devlettik,
Nam saldýk Avrupaya,Türk en büyük dedirttik.

Baþtaydý Abdulhamid,ne güzeldi idare,
Otuzüç yýl güzelce,mutlu halk askeriyle,
Geldi Ýttihatçýlar,yaðma oldu vataným,
Selanikten geldiler,yok oldu Saltanatým.

Saldýrdý yedi düvel,yýktýlar Hýlafeti,
Gelen yeni adamlar,sattýlar memleketi,
Bitirdiler on yýlda,yalan oldu üç kýta,
Cennetmekaným gidip,dönmeler geçti baþa.

Esti yalan rüzgarý,devrimlerle el ele,
Direndi Anadolu,cellatlar ip elinde,
Ecdad sürgüne gitti,hepsi çok çekti çile,
Utanmadan Ermeni,hain dedi ceddime.

Yasaktý Kuran namaz,ses çýkaran sehpada,
Devrim kanunu çýktý,giymeyenler cellada,
Kovaladý yýl yýlý,millet buna direndi,
Zulm durmadý asla ,darbe peþpeþe geldi.

Kapandý Ayasofya,küfür azdý ülkemde,
Rum Ermeni azýnlýk,serbest ona kilise,
Müslümana baskýlar,hem Kur’ana Ýslama,
Ezan okudu diye,can verdiler sehpada.

Herkes korktu kaçtý,dedi ahirzamandýr,
Bekledi Ýsrafili,gelen yaman adamdýr,
Kitaplarý yaktýlar,okudular gizlide,
Kalmadý ortalýkta,ne alim ne talebe.

Kalmadý haya namus,ortalýkta fahiþe,
Ýnsanlar seller gibi,koþuyordu ateþe,
Sokaða çýktý kýzlar,ar damarý yýrtýldý,
Öksüz artýk müslüman,bir sahibi kalmadý.

Soktular memlekete,dans bira ve baleyi,
Yeþilay yardým diye,teþvik etti milleti,
Raký içmeyen eþek,ezan okuyan geri,
Kuran okuyan cahil,kýçý açan medeni!!

Yunan Kralý geldi,birkaç sene geçmeden,
Ýngiliz hakim artýk,tek bir mermi sýkmadan,
Her yanda kuruldu,iþret dolu sofralar,
Yahudiye aktý hep,sarý altýn paralar.

Kuran mý oda ne!Nasýl okuyacaksýn,
Arapça Kuran oku,ipi boylayacaksýn,
Yasaktý tüm matbuat,Kuran saklandý yere,
Gizlide okuyanlar,çekti hayli iþkence.

Lozan’a gitti heyet,birkaç tomar kaðýtla,
Lord Curzon gelmiþti,ondört dolu katýrla,
Heyet gelmedi diye,bekledi iki hafta,
Lozan mesirelik yer,gezdi tatil boyunca.

Lord Curzon çok uyanýk,Musul sonraya kaldý,
Lozanda Ýsmet Paþa,yorgun havayý aldý,
Telgraf Alman üstünden,çok idi de dinleyen,
On iki ada Musul,býrakýlmýþtý hepten.

Yaygara zafer deyü,kutlanmýþtý yýllarca,
Kalmadý Türk tapusu,satýlmýþtý Bulgar’a,
Baþlara bela oldu,bu Ýsmet’in yaptýðý,
Dökülmüþtü meydana,dönme zabit artýðý.

Durmadý yýlmadýlar,okuttular gizlice,
Camide olmaz ise,daðbaþýnda köþede,
Trenlerde yollarda,okuttu Yüce Kur’an,
Bir tek yardým eden yok,tek baþýna o Sultan.

Esti Ýslam rüzgarý,yeni gelen seçimde,
Okundu artýk Kur’an,alenice camide,
Açtý Kur’an Kurslarý,milletin ruhu doydu,
Mübarekler durmadý,ceddim rahmete doydu.

Küfrün kýrýldý beli,bir halkayý býraktý,
Cihat etti müslüman,ahrete azýk aldý,
Uyandý müslümanlar,geldi hemen gayrete,
Hocasý talebesi,çalýþtýlar hizmete.

Küfür süremez asla,neticede Hak Kuran,
Firavun Nemrut var mý,hani Karun’la Haman!!
Onlarýn yerlerinde otluyor bak merkepler,
Mevlana’ya Konya’da,tazim eder gelenler.

Bin yýl sürecek dedi,dört senede bittiler,
Dört senede milleti nasýl da inlettiler,
Silivride kodeste,verdiler hesabýný,
Ahrette Allahýma,verirler cevabýný.

Yirmi sekiz þubatlar,yahudinin tuzaðý,
Oyuncaktý o günde,Müslim ile Kalkancý,
Þimdilerde eser yok,o meþum kara günden,
Unuttuk onu artýk,dertler çoðaldý birden.

Doðumuzda tehlike,ateþler yaktý bizi,
Askerim þehit olur,teröristin hendeði,
Yeter artýk uyuma,Vataným tehlikede,
Bölmek istiyor bizi,hem Avrupa hemde ABD.




Don’t forget your date, history repeats itself
Who does not know his history, passes underfoot,
Once upon a time, what a great State we were,
We made a name for Europe, and we called it the greatest.

Abdulhamid was at the head, how beautiful the administration was,
Thirty-three years well, happy folk soldier,
The Unionists came, my homeland was plundered,
They came from Thessaloniki, my sultanate disappeared.

Seven heifers attacked, they destroyed the Caliphate,
New men who came, sold their hometown,
They finished it in ten years, three continents were a lie,
My paradise went, turns passed.

The wind of lies blew hand in hand with revolutions,
Anatolia resisted, executioners in hand,
Ancestors went into exile, they all suffered a lot,
He said to my hesitation, Armenian, traitor without shame.

Quran prayer was forbidden, on the coffee table that made noise,
Revolution law came out, those who don’t wear are in cella,
Chased year by year, folks resisted it,
The persecution never stopped, the coup came one after another.

Hagia Sophia closed, swearing was less in my country,
Greek Armenian minority, free church to him,
Pressure on Muslims, both Islam and the Qur’an,
Because he recited the call to prayer, they died on the coffee table.

Everybody got scared and ran away, he said the end of time,
Was Israfili waited, coming is the fierce man,
They burned the books, they read them in secret,
There is no more, neither scholar nor student.

There is no life left, a prostitute around,
People were running like floods to the fire,
Girls went out on the street, their blood was torn,
The orphans are now Muslim, they have no owner left.

They struck the country, dance beer and ballet,
The Green Crescent encouraged the people,
Donkey that does not drink raki, reciting adhan back,
The ignorant who read the Quran, the civilized who open the ass !!

The Greek King came, not a few years passed,
The English judge is now, without firing a single bullet,
It was set everywhere, tables full of scent,
Yellow gold coins always flowed into Judea.

Quran or what is the room! How will you read it?
Read the Arabic Quran, you will be drawn on the rope,
All printing was forbidden, the Quran was hidden somewhere,
Those who read in secret suffered a lot of torture.

The delegation went to Lausanne with a few rolls of paper,
Lord Curzon had come, with fourteen full mules,
He waited for two weeks because the delegation did not come,
Lausanne promenade, toured during the holidays.

Lord Curzon is awake, Mosul is long gone,
Ismet Pasha in Lausanne took the tired air,
The telegraph was over the German, who listened a lot,
The twelve islands of Mosul were abandoned altogether.

The fuss of victory was celebrated for years,
There was no Turkish title deed left, it was sold to Bulgaria,
It was trouble for them, what Ismet did,
It was spilled, the residue of the rotation officer.

They did not stop, they did not give up, they had it read secretly,
If not in the mosque, on the mountainside,
On the roads on the trains, the Almighty Quran taught him,
There is no one to help, he alone is the Sultan.

The wind of Islam blew in the new election,
The Quran is read now, publicly in the mosque,
The Quran Courses opened, the soul of the nation was full,
The blessed people did not stop, my heart was full of mercy.

Your curse broke your waist, left a ring,
A Muslim jihad, he took food in the afterlife,
Muslims awoke, came immediately to effort,
His teacher, his student, they worked for the service.

He can never swear, after all, the Truth Quran,
Is there Pharaoh Nemrut, you know Karun and Haman !!
Look donkeys grazing in their places,
Those who come to Mevlana in Konya, condolence.

He said it would take a thousand years, they were over in four years,
How they made the nation groan in four years,
Silivride is in jail, they gave their account,
In the Hereafter, to my God, they answer.

Twenty-eight February, the trap of the Jew,
It was a toy on that day, Muslim and Kalkancý,
There is no trace now, from that ominous black day,
We forgot him now, the troubles increased suddenly.

Danger in our east, the fires lit us up
My soldier is martyred, the moat of the terrorist,
Enough to sleep, my homeland is in danger,
It wants to divide us, both Europe and the USA.

20.02.2016 // KIRIKKALE
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