





Bi Cümle




Bugünde dünyanýn bozuk düzeni,
Yalaný söyleyen ne de çoðalmýþ,
Doksan dokuz yalan doðrusu hani,
Hocalar yetmiyor cahil çoðalmýþ.

Kimse de bugünde sözünde durmaz,
Yorganýna göre ayak uzatmaz,
Bakkalýn yolunu unutur varmaz,
Ýcralar yetmiyor borçlu çoðalmýþ.

Yalaný küçükken söyler anasý,
Ondan kalan yaný yoktur babasý,
Alýþýr yavrucak söyler yalaný,
Mektepler yetmiyor çocuk çoðalmýþ.

Hýrsýzlar çoðalmýþ durmayýp artar,
Zengin zekat vermez fukara bakar,
Gece gündüz durmaz malýný çalar,
Damlar artýk yetmez mahkum çoðalmýþ.

Devlet malý derya yemeyen kalmaz,
Dünkü fakir bugün kabýna sýðmaz,
Harama dalmadan zenginlik olmaz,
Bekçiler yetmiyor hýrsýz çoðalmýþ.

Namus yoktur artýk ortalýk yerde,
Fahiþe pazarlar mahalle evde,
Ar damarý çatlak utanma nerde,
Haya ut kalmamýþ arsýz çoðalmýþ.

Güven yok kimsede çalar hakkýný,
Ortada býrakma kitle kapýný,
Acýmaz kimseye bilmez halýný,
Merhamet kalmamýþ nursuz çoðalmýþ.

Eza verir evde kadýna kýza,
Ýçki þarap içer kýzar hatuna,
Cinnet geçirip de boyar al kana,
Din iman kalmamýþ sapýk çoðalmýþ.

Hocalar bozulmuþ çýkmýþlar yoldan,
Þeytan oyuncaðý fetvasý yalan,
Ancak Rabbim vardýr bizi kurtaran,
Ýnsanlýk kalmamýþ þeytan çoðalmýþ.




The corrupt order of the world today,
Who lied nor multiplied,
You know the ninety-nine lie truths,
The teachers are not enough, the ignorant has increased.

Nobody keeps his word today,
Does not stretch foot according to its quilt,
As soon as the grocer forgets his way,
Execution is not enough, the debtor has increased.

The mother tells the lie when she is little
There is nothing left of her father,
He gets used to kidding, tells the lie,
Schools are not enough, children have increased.

The thieves don’t stop multiplying and increasing,
The rich do not give zakat and look at the poor,
He does not stop day and night, steals his property,
The drips are no longer enough, the prisoners have multiplied.

There is no one who does not eat state property,
The poor yesterday cannot fit in today,
There is no wealth without diving into haram,
The guards are not enough, thieves have multiplied.

There is no honor in the middle anymore,
The prostitute markets, the neighborhood is at home,
Where is the artery cracked ashamed,
There is no life left, and it has grown cheekily.

There is no trust in anyone,
Don’t leave the mass door in the middle,
It does not hurt anyone, does not know your state,
There is no mercy left, but it has multiplied.

Crush gives woman to girl at home,
Drink and drink wine to her girl,
Be crazy and take dyes and blood,
There is no faith left, the perverted has increased.

The teachers are corrupt, have left the road,
Devil toy fatwa is a lie,
But there is my Lord who saves us,
There is no humanity left, the devil has multiplied.

07.11.2015 // KIRIKKALE

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