





Bi Cümle




Tek oðlu vardý yalnýz,yaþýyorlardý bir köyde,
Verdi amansýz maraz,aðlardý gözler çeþme,
Geçmiyordu geceler,nöbetteydi her gece,
Dua ederdi Hakka,oðlumu sen esirge.

Nezir etti Allaha,eðer baðýþlar isen,
Yedi gün gireceðim,mezara yalnýz iken,
Geçmemiþti aradan,þifa verdi Yaradan,
Sevinçlere gark oldu,nezri hatýrlamadan.

Duydu bir gece bir ses,iyileþti oðulun,
Nezrin vakti geçiyor,mezar kazýp koyulun.
Bitmez Hakkýn belasý,bela gelir üstüne,
Nezri yerine getir,þükür gerek Rabbine.

Çaðýrdý tek oðulu,anlattý vaziyeti,
Kuyu kaz haydi oðlum,geldi nezrin vakti,
Gireceðim yedi gün,çýkarým yaþar isem,
Ecel geldiyse bana,öylece defnedilem.

Hazýrladý bir kuyu,indi anne içeri,
Girer girmez kuyuya,yandan ýþýk belirdi,
Þükür etti Rabbine,koru beni burada,
Ýmanýmý kavi et,gücüm kuvvetim topla.

Duasý artýyordu,ýþýk ziyade arttý,
Geniþledi deliði,dýþarýyý seyretti,
Geniþce bir bahçede,var idi iki kadýn,
Gelip selam verdiler,aramýza hoþ geldin.

Ey aziz dünyalý gel,kuyudan çýkýp da gel,
Burasý cenneti ala,sevimli bahçeye gel,
Çýktý hemen mezardan,koþtu güzel bahçeye,
Ötüyordu bülbüller,benziyordu cennete.

Üç kadýn oturdular,havuz baþý sergiye,
Nazar etti bir anda,kadýnlar bir birine,
Bir kuþ konmuþ baþýna,rüzgar eder tülüyle,
Diðeri sert gagalý kuþ,yer durur tepesinde.

Sordu önce hatuna,buna nasýl eriþtin?
Cevap verdi o hatun,kocamý çok severdim.
Ýsyan etmedim asla,yaptým her dediðini,
Bu sayede verdi Hak,bu güzelim cenneti.

Sordu dünyalý kadýn,baþý hep oyulana,
Sen neler yaptýn kadýn,bunlar geldi baþýna.
Çekti biraz içini,iyi huylu biriydim,
Hakka karþý görevi,hep yerine getirdim.

Yapar idim iyilik ,hem gecede gündüzde,
Memnun idi komþular,herkes dua ederde,
Ýhmal ettim kocamý,karþý geldim bazende,
Ceza olarak Rabbim,kuþu gönderdi bize.

Görüyorsun halimi,yeþilce cennetlerde,
Bu ceza sürecekmiþ,bitecek kýyamette,
Yalvarýyorum sana,çýkacaksýn buradan,
Buluversen kocamý,çok geçmeden aradan.

Oturur falan yerde,arayýp da bul onu,
Anlat ona halimi,de kuþ yiyordu onu,
Kurtulayým ben bundan,sevineyim sayende,
Helal etsin hakkýný,bitsin bunca iþkence.

Doldu yedi gün gidip,koydular mezarýna,
Açýldý birden mezar,yukarýdan kazmayla,
Atýlmýþtý tek oðlu,anne anne diyerek,
Sarýldý annesine,geçmiþ olsun diyerek.

Geldiler konu komþu,günlerce ziyarete,
Selam gönderen kadýn,kocasý geldi evine,
Anlattý vaziyyeti,hatun fena haldedir,
Helal etmez iseniz,kýyamette böyledir.

Kocasý helal etti,hem de dualar etti,
Gördü gece rüyada,bitmiþti iþkencesi,
Dualar ediyordu ,iyi ki geldin diye,
Rabbim baðýþlayýp da,koysun seni cennete.




They had only one son, they lived in a village,
He gave the implacable morbidity, the eyes cried the fountain,
The nights were not passing, every night was on duty,
He would pray, Hakka, you spare my son.

He delegated to God, if you are forgiving,
I’ll enter the grave for seven days alone
It was not past, the Creator healed,
He was filled with joy, without remembering the nezri.

One night he heard a voice, your son got better,
Its time is running out, dig a grave and set off.
It does not end, the trouble of right, trouble comes upon you,
Fulfill the Nezri, thank your Lord.

He called his only son, he explained the situation,
Dig a well my son, it’s time for the river,
Seven days I will enter, if I live, I leave
If time has come to me, I can just be buried.

He prepared a well, mother came down,
As soon as we entered the well, light appeared from the side,
He gave thanks to his Lord, protect me here,
Hold my faith and gather my strength.

His prayer was increasing, the more the light increased,
Her hole widened, she watched outside,
In a wide garden, there were two women,
They came and said hello, welcome to us.

O dear world come, come out of the well,
This is heaven, come to the lovely garden,
He came out immediately from the grave, ran into the beautiful garden,
Nightingales were singing, resembling heaven.

Three women sat at the poolside exhibition,
Women looked at each other in a moment,
A bird is on its head, the wind blows with its veil,
The other is the bird with a hard beak, the ground stops on top.

She asked her first, how did you get that?
That chick answered, I loved my husband very much.
I never rebelled, I did whatever you said
In this way, Hak gave this beautiful paradise.

The earthling woman asked if her head was always carved,
What have you done, woman?
He sighed a little, I was a good-natured person,
I have always fulfilled the duty to the right.

I was doing good both day and night
The neighbors were satisfied, everybody prayed,
I neglected my husband, sometimes opposed,
As punishment my Lord sent the bird to us.

You see me in green paradises,
This punishment will last, will end in apocalypse,
I’m begging you, you’ll get out of here
If you find my husband, get away soon.

He sits on the ground, search and find him
Tell him about my condition, and the bird was eating it,
I will get rid of this, I will be happy thanks to you,
Halal your right, end so much torture.

It was up for seven days and they put it in his grave,
Suddenly the tomb opened, digging from above,
His only son was thrown, saying mother mother,
He hugged his mother saying get well soon.

They came about neighbors, visiting for days,
The woman who sent greetings, her husband came to her house,
He explained the situation, the chick is in a bad mood,
If you do not do it, it is like this in doomsday.

Her husband made halal and prayer,
He saw the night in a dream, his torture was over,
He was praying, luckily you came,
May my Lord forgive you and put you in paradise.

03.07.2015 // KIRIKKALE

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