





Bi Cümle




Yaþar idi Yesribde,zengin yaramaz kimse,
Hayýrlý bir iþ için,yemek verdi ehline,
Kölesini çaðýrdý,al sen þu dört dirhemi,
Müsafire verelim,ziyade meyveleri.

Çýktý evden kölesi,hemen çarþýya vardý,
Yolda Mansur Ammarýn,mescidine uðradý,
Almak idi muradý,Mansurun duasýný,
Kalabalýktý mescid,orda fakirler vardý.

Mansur diyordu halka,kim bu fakire verse,
Dört dirhem veren çýksýn,dört dua vardýr bende,
Etkilendi ol köle,dayanmaz kalbi yufka,
Verir dört dirhemini,cepte bir tek kalsa ya.

Hamdetti Mansur anda,nasýl dua edeyim,
Köle dua edinde,bende azad olayým.
Dua ettiler ona,dedi baþka dileðin,
Köle verin paramý,efendime vereyim.

Dua buyurdu Mansur,varmý baþka yapacak,
Köle dua etmezsen,cehennemde yanacak.
Tevbe etsin Efendim,dursun oda divana,
Mansur dua ettiler,gerisi kalýr Allaha.

Kaldý birtek duasý,Hakka yalvarsanýz da,
Rabbe kolay elbette,herkesi baðýþlasa.
Dua ettiler Mansur,köle vardý evine,
Almýþtý meyveleri,vakit geçti nafile.

Efendi kýzdý ona,geç kaldýn bugün neden?
Kýzmayýnýz Efendim,yolum düþtü aniden.
Hikayeyi nakletti,Efendi güldü ona,
Neler istedin ondan,anlat haydi sen durma.

Beni azat edecek,dua edin Efendim,
Efendi dedi þimdi,sana hürriyet verdim.
Baþka neler istedin,dört dirhemi versen dedim.
Verdi dört dirhem ona,bunu sana ben verdim.

Sordu diðer duayý,Efendim tevbe etsin,
Tevbe ettim Rabbime,sen ne güzel diledin.
Sordu diðer duayý,Rabb affetsin bizleri,
Bu elimde deðildir,sevdi hayli köleyi.

Gece gördüler rüya,duydu mübarek sesi,
Yaptýn sen dileðini,affettim bende sizi.
Baðýþladým köleni,hem seni tüm meclisi,
Ulu Allah elbette,cömertlerin cömerti.

Ýkram eder kuluna,verir türlü nimeti,
Affý ihsaný boldur,verirler maðfireti,
O Erhamür rahimin,en merhametli olan.
Yeter ki sen Rabbine,hergün güzelce baðlan.

Merhamet eder kula,onu sever affeder,
Siler cümle günahý,ahirette setreder.
Sanma kul uyanýktýr,onu Rabbi hýfzeder,
Günahýna bol aðla,dilerse o hemen siler.

Yeter ki kul kul olsun,kullukta daim olsun,
Yapmasýn sakýn yalpa,kul hep samimi olsun,
Akýtsýn gözden yaþý,hem gecede gündüzde,
Kolaydýr elbet Hakka,günah dað olsa bile.



He was living in Yathrib, a rich naughty person,
For a good job, he gave food to his people,
He called his slave, take those four dirhams,
Let’s give it to the guest, rather than the fruits.

He came out of the house, his slave, immediately came to the market,
On the way, he stopped by Mansur Ammar’s mosque,
His wish was to take the prayer of Mansur,
The mosque was crowded, there were poor people there.

Mansur was saying to the people, who gave it to this poor,
He who gives four dirhams, I have four prayers,
Be affected, be a slave, his heart will not bear dough,
He’ll give him four dirhams, if only he was left in the pocket.

Hamdetti Mansur moment, how should I pray,
When the slave pray, I will be freed.
They prayed him, said your other wish,
Give my slave my money, I’ll give it to my master.

Mansur said the prayer, he will make something else,
If you don’t pray the slave will burn in hell.
Repent Sir, let the room stand on the sofa,
Mansur prayed, the rest remains to God.

His only prayer remained, even if you beg the truth,
It is easy for the Lord, of course, to forgive everyone.
They prayed Mansur, there was a slave to his house,
He had taken the fruits, time passed in vain.

The master got angry at him, why are you late today?
Do not be angry Sir, my way fell suddenly.
He conveyed the story, the master laughed at him,
Tell me what you wanted from him, don’t stop.

It will set me free, pray Sir,
Sir said now, I gave you freedom.
I said what else did you want, give me four dirhams.
He gave him four dirhams, I gave it to you.

He asked the other prayer, Lord repent,
I repent to my Lord, how well you wished.
Asked the other prayer, may the Lord forgive us,
This is not in my hand, he loved many slaves.

They saw the night, the dream heard the blessed voice
You made your wish, I forgive you too.
I forgive your slave, you and the whole assembly,
Great God, of course, the generous were generous.

He gives his servant all kinds of blessings,
Forgiveness is abundant, they give forgiveness,
He is the most merciful of Erhamur womb.
As long as you connect well to your Lord, everyday.

He shows mercy to the servant, loves him and forgives him
It erases sentence sin, it is set in the hereafter.
Do not think that the servant is awake, his Lord remembers him,
Cry a lot for your sins, if he wishes, he will delete it immediately.

As long as he is a servant, always in servitude,
Do not do it, do not sway, always be sincere,
Let the tears flow, both night and day,
It is easy, of course, Hakka, even if sin is a mountain.

23.06.2015 // KIRIKKALE
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