Anlatýyor eshabdan,Abdullah Ýbnüz Zübeyr, Gitmiþ idim Hareme, vakit olmuþtu seher, Tavaf eder kadýnlar,Allahýmýn beytini, Bitirince tavafý,hepsi geçip de gitti.
Sezdim bir gariplik ben,takip ettim onlarý, Durdular Akabede,buraydý konaklarý, Sonra indi aþaðýya,daldým bende peþlerine, Harap bir yer buldular,girdiler evlerine.
Bir de baktým toplantý,biri sordular bana, Ya Ýbnüz Zübeyr buyur,neden geldin buraya, Dedim önce söyleyin -Hele siz kimlersiniz? Dediler-Ya Ýbnüz Zübeyr biz cin milletindeniz.
Gördüm demin Kabede,tavaf eden kadýnlar, Takýldým peþlerine,dedim bunda bir iþ var, -Onlar bizim hanýmlar,bizden isteðin nedir? Dedim-Caným çekiyor,taze hurmadan getir.
Yoktu taze bir hurma,o günlerde Mekkede, Getirdiler birazcýk,yedim ben afiyetle, Dediler-Kalaný al,götür onu evine, Döndüm hemence eve,hurma dolu sepetle.
Sakladým hurmalarý,göstereyim herkese, Sandýk içine koydum,hurmalarý sepetle, Biraz geçtim kendimden,mutfaktan sesler geldi, Gelen cinler birbirine-Hurma nerede dedi.
Onu nereye koydu?Biri sandýk diyordu. Açtýlar sandýðýmý ,içten sepet göründü, Açýn onuda açýn,der onu açamayýz, Besmele okumuþlar,bu yüzden açamayýz.
Narrating from the companions, Abdullah Ibnüz Zubayr, I was gone Harem, it was time, dawn, Women who tawaf, the glory of my God, When he was done, circumambulation was all gone.
I sensed a strange thing, I followed them They stopped Akabede, this was their mansion, Then it came down, I followed them They found a devastated place, entered their house.
I also looked at the meeting, someone asked me, Ya Ibnuz Zubayr says why did you come here? I said tell it first - Who are you? They said - Ya Ibnüz Zubayr, we are from the jinn nation.
I have just seen women circumambulating the Kaaba, I followed them, I said there’s a job in that, -They are our ladies, what do you want from us? I said - I’m dying, bring fresh dates.
There was no fresh date in Makkah in those days, They brought me a little bit, I ate it with pleasure, They said-Take the rest, take him home, I immediately returned home with a basket full of dates.
I hid the dates, let me show everyone I put the dates in the chest, in the basket, I was a little past myself, I heard voices from the kitchen, The jinn who came to each other said where is the date.
Where did he put it? They opened what I thought, a basket inside appeared, Open it, open it, he says we cannot open it, They read Basmala, so we cannot open it.
So let’s take the dates with a basket, The jinn took them away from my kitchen, I regretted it later, why didn’t I stop it? Why didn’t I stand up while the demons robbed me?
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