





Bi Cümle




Kýtlýk vardý Baðdat’ta,halk açlýktan ölmüþtü,
Fakir garip bir hamal,rengi hepten solmuþtu.
Bir evde taze ekmek,piþiyordu tandýrda,
Duramadý hamalcýk,dedi yok mudur bana.

Allah için bir ekmek,lokma girmez aðzýma,
Tandýrdaki annesi,ekmek verdi kýzýyla,
Verdi kýzý katlayýp,taze kokan ekmeði,
Yüzünde güller açtý,hamal pek çok sevindi.

Dýþarda gördü yolda durdurdu onu hemen,
Nerden aldýn ekmeði,yoksa aldýn mý bizden?
Hamal gösterdi evi,iþte arkada olan,
Adam çok kýzdý buna,yok bizde aklý olan.

Geldi evine sordu,kim verdi ekmeðimi,
Korktu mübarek kadýn,ona kýzý gösterdi.
Nede olsa babasý,bir þey demez kýzýna,
Adam cimri biriydi,iþlemiþti ruhuna.

Elinde vardý sopa,hýzla vurdu eline,
Kýrýlmýþtý bileði,indirdiði darbeyle.
Herkese versek ekmek,kalýr mý ondan bize,
Elin çolak kalsýn da,ibret olsun sizlere.

Þükür isterdi nimet,giderdi elden yoksa,
Baba þükürsüz oldu,iþler sardý yokuþa,
Bozuldu birden iþi,sattý olan biteni,
Alamaz oldu baba,evine bir ekmeði.

Akþam geldi evine,benden fayda yok size,
Çarþýya yolla kýzý,birinden ekmek iste.
Ýndi kýzcaðýz þehre,uatanmýþtý bir hayli,
Bekledi bir köþede,korktu görecek biri.

Dükkandan çýktý biri,ne beklersin burada?
Kalmadý bizde para,beni babam yolladý.
Tanýdýk biri çýkar,para verirler bana,
Ýzin verde durayým,bir kaç dakka þurada.

Eli cebe attýlar,çýkardý verdi para,
Kabul et bunu lütfen,þükür olsun Allaha.
Kýzýn eli arkada,sordular sebebini,
Yaran beren varsa da etsinler tedavini.

Açýkladý kýzcaðýz,tüm olaný biteni,
Yoksula ekmek verdim,gördü babam adamý,
Vurdu sopayla hýzla,burkulmuþtu bileðim.
Almadý beni kimse,evde kaldým beklerim.

Þahit olun komþular,çaðýrdý her tarafa,
Kýzý buldum nihayet,çabuk gelin buraya,
Ekmek isteyen bendim,o gün ben hamal idim,
Baban eline vurmuþ,buna sebeb ben idim.

Býrakamam ben seni,bu þekilde ortada,
Seni göründe birden,bende koptu fýrtýna,
O gün sevmiþtim seni,alýrken ekmeðini,
Ýçimde uyanmýþtý,sana bir sevgi seli.

Þükretmemiþ babanýz,gitti elden nimeti,
Mevlam nasip eyledi,dükkaný bana verdi.
Ýmtihan bana geçti,þükredeyim Mevlaya,
Nikah kýyayým sana,ev açayým babana.

Koyulurlar evine,sýkýntý kalmaz orda,
Þükürsüz baba bakar,aklý gelir baþýna,
Mutlu geçer yýllarý,Rabbim verir nimeti,
Þükretmeyene Rabbim,azap verir þiddetli.




There was famine in Baghdad, people died of hunger,
A strange poor porter, completely pale in color.
Fresh bread was baked in a house in the tandoor,
He couldn’t stop, the porter told me, isn’t it?

A piece of bread for Allah does not enter my mouth,
Her mother in the tandoor gave bread to her daughter,
He gave her the bread that smells fresh,
Roses bloomed on his face, the porter rejoiced many.

He saw outside and stopped him on the way
Where did you get the bread, or did you get it from us?
The porter showed the house, here is the one behind,
The man was very angry at this, we do not have a mind.

He came home and asked who gave my bread,
The frightened blessed woman showed her the girl.
After all, her father won’t say anything to her daughter,
The man was a stingy person, he had penetrated his soul.

He had the stick in his hand, he hit his hand quickly,
His wrist was broken by the blow he inflicted.
If we give bread to everyone, will it be left for us,
Let your hand be bare, as a lesson to you.

He would be grateful, the blessing would go away,
Father was ungrateful, things took to the slope,
His job broke down suddenly, he sold what was going on,
Dad couldn’t take a piece of bread for his house.

The evening has come to your home, no benefit from me,
Send the girl to the bazaar, ask someone for bread.
The girl came down to town, she was quite ashamed,
He waited in a corner, scared someone to see.

Someone came out of the shop, what do you expect here?
There is no money left, my father sent me.
Someone familiar comes out, they give me money,
Let me stop over there for a few minutes.

They pocketed the hand, took out the money,
Admit it please, thank God.
The girl’s hand is at the back, they asked why,
If you have a bruise, let them treat you.

She explained all that happened,
I gave bread to the poor, my father saw the man,
He hit it quickly with a stick, my ankle was sprained.
Nobody took me, I stayed at home, I wait.

Witness neighbors called everywhere,
I finally found the girl, come quickly here
I was the one who wanted bread, that day I was the porter,
Your father hit his hand, I was the reason for this.

I can’t let you go, it’s in the middle like this,
When he saw you, the storm broke on me,
I loved you that day, when you took your bread
It had awakened inside me, a flood of love for you.

Your ungrateful father has gone, his blessing
My Mawlana gave me the shop.
The test passed to me, I am grateful to Mawla,
Let me go to the wedding, let me open a house to your father.

They will go home, there will be no trouble,
Grateful father looks, his mind comes to mind,
Happy years pass, my Lord gives the blessing,
Whoever does not give thanks, my Lord, severe punishment.

19.02.2015 // KIRIKKALE

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