





Bi Cümle




Ýstanbul’da gezdim ben,dün Karaca Ahmet’te,
Sýralanmýþ kabirler,yatar oncasý yerde,
Kimisi sarýk baþta,alim mübarek kimse,
Üstadým yatar orda,doyamadým feyzine.

Ezanlar okunuyor,girerken camilere,
Sultan Ahmet camim,dolmuþ bol kefereyle,
Ýki saftý cemaat,müminlerim nerede?
Selatin camilerim,dönmüþ cansýz ölüye.

Yatýyor Galata’da,Resulün pak Eshabý,
Bilmiyor müslümanlar,iþler meþum günahý,
Kerhane açmýþ orda,Ermeni kahpe karý,
Satýyorlar durmadan,bacým Ayþe Fatma’yý.

Bakýp da geçer insan,almaz ondan ibreti,
Gelir sana da bir gün,unutma Azraili,
Geziyor Ýstanbul’da,turistler bitli pireli,
Ortalýk kokmuþ sanki,leþ kesilmiþ hepisi.

Ervah dolu nur dolu,görünmezler insana,
Gece olur çýkarlar,evliyalar yollara,
Üzülür mübarekler,ne olmuþ der bu halka,
Ýstanbul sende yoktur,o eski edep haya.

Yatar Eyyüb Ensari,eski surlar içinde,
Varmýþ orda ruhlar,ebedi menziline,
Komþu olmuþ insanlar,bu yüce kimselere,
Dünyada emniyettir,ahret þefaatçi bize.

Bozulmuþ karþý hepten,saðlamdýr Anadolu,
Güneþ doðdu doðudan,Üsküdar sabah oldu,
Her köþede açmýþlar,güzel Talebe Yurdu,
Dinlendim buralarda,buldum eski huzuru.

Ýstanbul’a nur yaðar,hem gecede gündüzde,
Ýstanbul Ýslambol’du,çevirmiþler Paris’e.
Ervah kalkar kabrinden,sýyýrýr kýlýnçlarý,
Fatih elde kýlýnçla,açar Ayasofyayý.




I traveled in Istanbul yesterday in Karaca Ahmet,
Sorted graves, lying on the ground before,
Some are in a turban, blessed scholar,
My master lies there, I couldn’t get enough of it.

Light rains on Istanbul, both day and night,
Istanbul was Islambol, they turned it to Paris.

Calling adhan, while entering mosques,
Sultan Ahmet mosque, with lots of dolmuþ,
The congregation was two sides, where are my believers?
My Selatin mosques have returned to the dead.

Light rains on Istanbul, both day and night,
Istanbul became Islam, they translated it to Paris.

He lies in Galata, the pure Companions of the Messenger,
Muslims do not know, things are sinful sin,
He opened a crate there, the Armenian bitch,
They are selling constantly, my sister Ayþe Fatma.

Light rains on Istanbul, both day and night,
Istanbul was Islambol, they turned it to Paris.

One looks and passes, as soon as he takes a lesson from him,
One day, it will come to you too, don’t forget Azrael,
Traveling in Istanbul, tourists have fleas,
It’s like stinky, all of them carcassed.

Light rains on Istanbul, both day and night,
Istanbul was Islambol, they turned it to Paris.

Full of grace, full of light, invisible to people,
Night falls, the saints take to the road,
Blessed be sorry, what happened to this people,
You do not have Istanbul, that old decency.

Light rains on Istanbul, both day and night,
Istanbul was Islambol, they turned it to Paris.

Lies Eyyub Ansari, in the old walls,
There are spirits in their eternal range,
People who are neighbors to these great people,
It is safety in the world, the intercessor in the afterlife for us.

Light rains on Istanbul, both day and night,
Istanbul was Islambol, they turned it to Paris.

Anatolia is solid against the corrupt, completely
The sun rose from the east, Üsküdar was morning
They opened in every corner, the beautiful Student Dormitory,
I rested around here, I found the old peace.

Light rains on Istanbul, both day and night,
Istanbul was Islambol, they turned it to Paris.

02.02.2015 // KIRIKKALE

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