





Bi Cümle




Anadolu viran,bozkýrdý her yer,
Yollarý tozluydu,asvalt ne gezer,
Giyerdi çarýðý,askerle nefer,
Bugünlere baktým,nerden nereye.

Tarlada sabanla,toprak sürerdik,
Þehire bahçeye,yayan giderdik,
Kuru ekmeði biz,hep yavan yerdik,
Her nimet çok artýk,nerden nereye.

Okullar birleþik,köyde okurduk,
Kara tahtalarda,tozu solurduk,
Defteri kitabý,zorlan bulurduk,
Tabletle buluþtuk,nerden nereye.

Düvenle ekini,az mý yaymadýk,
Týnazda samaný,yele yollardýk,
Kaðnýnýn sesini,ninni sayardýk,
Traktör çoðaldý,nerden nereye.

Otomobil ne gezer,faytona bindik,
At arabasýyla,az mý gezmedik,
Evden iþimize,yayan giderdik,
Metroya kavuþtuk,nerden nereye.

Tatili kim bilir,hep çalýþýrdýk,
Ömürde bir defa,tatil yapardýk,
Bir ev alsam diye,hayal kurardýk,
Evleri üçledik,nerden nereye.

Defteri silerdik,yazardýk tekrar,
Bulamaz kitabý,yok bilgisayar,
Kara önlük vardý,forma ne arar,
Koleje kavuþtuk,nerden nereye.

Herkesin evinde arabasý var,
Teknolojik her þey,ne ararsan var,
Makinayla çifçim,sütünü saðar,
Tembelleþti herkes,nerden nereye.

Olmazdý hastalýk,yok ilaç doktor,
Hastalýk çoðaldý,bol ilaç doktor,
Bozuldu ortalýk,sapýk fuhuþ bol,
Kredide çýktý,nerden nereye.

Kimse boþanmazdý,ölene kadar,
Bir kötü söz etsen,polisi arar,
Kadýný erkeði,yok ki vefakar,
Kimsede güven yok,nerden nereye.

Emanet yalan ne,yoktu ihtikar,
Söz senetti bizde,vardý itibar,
Komþular kardeþin,hep arka çýkar,
Güven yok oldu bak,nerden nereye.

Babanýn atanýn,yaný büyürdük,
Onlarýn yanýnda,çocuk sevmezdik,
Amcayý dedeyi,baba bilirdik,
Huzurevi geldi,nerden nereye.

Helali haramý,iyi bilirdik,
Haram ateþ yakar,bunu dinlerdik,
Piyango lotoyu,bizler bilmezdik,
Bankalar bollaþtý,nerden nereye.

Ölenden gidenden,ibret alýrdýk,
Ölümü ahreti,hergün yaþardýk,
Dünyaya tapmazdýk,rahat yaþardýk,
Paraya kul olduk,nerden nereye.

Devletin malýný,yemezdi kimse,
Yoksulun fakirin,hakkýdýr diye,
Rüþvetin adý bak,olmuþ hediye,
Devleti soydular,nerden nereye.

Yoksul akrabanýn,hatýrý vardý,
Bayramda düðünde,yoksul arardý,
Herkes birbirine,mektup yazardý,
Kimse aramýyor,nerden nereye.

Bollaþtý gýdamýz,saðlýk bozuldu,
Her þey çoðalýnca,ahlak bozuldu,
Dünkü yetme bize,bak bakan oldu,
Emanet kalmadý,nerden nereye.




Anatolia was ruined, everywhere was stepped,
The roads were dusty, asvalt is what travels,
He used to wear the hook, soldier and soldier,
I looked these days, from where to where.

We plowed soil in the field,
We used to go to the city and garden on foot,
We always ate dry bread flat,
Every blessing is very much from where to where.

Schools were united, we used to study in the village,
On blackboards, we would breathe dust
Notebook book, we would find difficulties
We met with the tablet, from where to where.

Did we spread the crop with confidence?
We used to send hay and mane in the hawk,
We used to count the sound of his paper, lullaby,
Tractor has increased from where to where.

What does the car travel? We got on the phaeton,
Did we not ride a little with a horse-drawn carriage,
We used to go from home to work on foot,
We got to the subway, from where to where.

Who knows the holiday, we always worked,
Once in a lifetime, we used to take a vacation
We used to dream to buy a house
We tripled the houses, from where to where.

We would erase the book and write it again
Can’t find the book, no computer,
There was a black coat, what to look for in a shirt,
We reached college, from where to where.

Everyone has a car in their house,
Everything technological, whatever you are looking for,
My farmer with the machine milks his milk,
Everybody got lazy, from where to where.

There would be no disease, no medicine, doctor,
The disease has multiplied, plenty of medicine, doctor,
The mess is broken, perverse prostitution abound,
Out on loan, from where to where.

Nobody would get divorced until they died
If you say a bad word, he will call the police,
Woman and man, no faithful,
Nobody has confidence, from where to where.

Safety is a lie, there was no vengeance,
We have the promise, the reputation,
Neighbors your brother, always back up,
Trust has disappeared, look from where to where.

Father’s ancestor, we would grow up,
Besides them, we didn’t like children,
We used to know uncle, grandfather, father,
Where did the nursing home come from?

Halal haram, we knew well,
We would make a haram fire, we would listen to it,
Lottery lottery, we didn’t know
Banks are abundant, from where to where.

We used to take lessons from the dead
We would live the death every day,
We wouldn’t worship the world, we lived comfortably,
We became servants of money, from where to where.

State property, nobody would eat
Just because the poor are the right of the poor,
Look at the name of the bribe, it’s a gift,
They robbed the state, from where to where.

The poor relative had his mind,
On the feast at the wedding, the poor would look for it,
Everyone wrote letters to each other,
Nobody is calling, from where to where.

Our food became abundant, health deteriorated,
When everything multiplies, morality is broken,
Yesterday was not enough for us, look, he became a minister,
There is no safety left, from where to where.

28.01.2015 // KIRIKKALE

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