





Bi Cümle




Baðdatta geziyordu,Ariflerden birisi,
Gördüler dileniyor,görmeyen bir dilenci,
Vermez ceza boþuna,kula dediler bela,
Sual etti hemence-Ne oldu Dostum sana?

Doðumda mý bu oldu,sonra mý oldu yoksa,
Aðma dedi-saðlamdým,kör oldum ben sonra,
Soyardým gençliðimde,þehirde ben kefeni,
Gözlerim görür idi,her þeyim yerindeydi.

Rastladým bir Hakime,Mahkemede bir defa,
Ýyi þey deðil yaptýðýn,býrak dediler bana,
Sana ceza veremem,yok bir þahit ortada,
Senden arzum þudur ki,benim kefeni çalma.

Verdiler bana para,oldukça deðerliydi,
Hakim adil zat idi,bana nasihat etti,
Geçti aradan sene,o da öldü kul gibi,
Þeytan vesvese verdi,kefeni beni çekti.

Girdi fitne içime,soymak istedim kabri,
Ama o adil Hakim,bana para vermiþti,
Dedi içimden bir ses,vursana kuþu taþla,
Adam nasýlsa öldü,ayaða kalkamazya.

Açtým bir gece kabri,girdim kabrin içine,
Tam alýrken kefeni,melekler indi kabre,
Dönmüþtüm ben þaþkýna,çöküverdim oraya,
Kefeni soymak dursun,ölecektim korkuyla.

Yokladýlar Hakimi,sakatlýk var mý diye,
Baktýlar her tarafa,ettiler muayene,
Aferin dedi melek,görmedik kimse böyle,
Ýsyaný tuðyaný yok,adil mübarek kimse.

Baktýlar bir iyice,sað kulakta akýntý,
Bu nedendir diyerek,sordu biri suali,
Dedi-Adaletli Hakim,her iþi düzenliydi,
Sadece bir davada,yanýlýp ihmal etti.

Tanýdýðý bir kimse,var idi bir davada,
Haksýz gördüler onu,ceza verdi yakýna,
Kulaðýný dayadý,dinler iken yakýný,
Biraz uzakta kaldý,anda diðer davalý.

Melekler konuþtular,karar çýktý zulmune,
Ceza olarak ona,ateþ dolsun kabrine,
Oldu cehennem sanki,oldu ateþ yýðýný,
Ateþin þualarý,gözümü benden aldý.




He was traveling in Baghdad, one of the Arifs,
They saw begging, a beggar who does not see,
The punishment does not give in vain, they said to the servant, trouble,
She underwater immediately-What happened to you buddy?

Did this happen at birth or later or,
He said to my cry - I was solid, I was blinded later,
I used to rob in my youth, in the city I shrouded,
My eyes were seeing, everything was fine.

I met a judge once in court,
It’s not good what you do, they told me stop
I cannot punish you, there is no witness,
My wish from you is, do not steal my shroud.

They gave me money, it was very valuable,
The judge was a fair person, he gave me advice,
The year passed, he died like a servant,
Satan gave delusion, his shroud pulled me.

Strife entered me, I wanted to strip the grave,
But that fair Judge had paid me,
My inner voice said, hit the bird with stone,
The man died somehow, he cannot stand up.

I opened a night grave, I entered the grave,
While taking the shroud, the angels came down to the grave,
I was back, I was stunned, I fell there,
Let alone peel off the shroud, I would die in fear.

They searched the judge for any disability,
They looked everywhere, they examined,
Well done, said the angel, we haven’t seen anyone like this,
There is no bearer of rebellion, just blessed one.

They looked well, discharge in the right ear,
Saying this is why, someone asked a question,
Said-Justice Judge, his every work was in order,
In just one case, he was wrong and neglected.

Someone he knew existed in a case,
They saw him wrong, he punished him,
He put his ear, while listening, his relative,
He stayed away a little, now the other defendant.

The angels have spoken, the decision has come out,
As a punishment, let the fire be filled with his grave,
It was like hell, became a firepit
The rays of the fire took my eyes off me.

28.01.2015 // KIRIKKALE

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