Anlatýrlar Hz.Cabir,Eshabý Kiramdandý, Resul Müfreze yapýp,düþmanlara yolladý, Ebu Ubeyde baþta,vardý kaçan bir kervan, Dedi Resul kaçmasýn,lazýmdýr bize kervan.
Vardý azýk sadece,hergün bize bir hurma, Yoktu baþka bir azýk,yerdik onu biz suyla. Aðzýmýzda emerdik,suyunu azar azar, Bir gece yeter hurma,baþka nimet ne gezer.
Yapraklarý düþürüp,yerdik ýslatýp suda, Devam ettik bir süre,böylece yolumuza, Geldik deniz kýyýsý,vardý benzeyen daða, Dediler bu dað deðil,anber denen balina.
Baktýlar çoktan ölmüþ,leþ yenilmez haramdýr, Yolundayýz Mevlanýn,dediler zaruret vardýr, Yedik bir ay boyunca,þiþmanladýk iyice, Yað çýkardýk durmadan,gözünden testilerle.
Koparýrdýk biz ondan,manda kadar etleri, Oturdu üç eshabla,gözüne birileri, Balina kaburgasý,onu diktik bir yere, Üstünde seyisiyle,geçti altýndan deve.
Kuruttuk biz etleri,yaptýk ondan pastýrma, Durmadan yedik onu,hem seferde,hem yolda, Gelince Medine’ye,anlattýk biz Resule, Dedi -Geldi Rabbimden,o bir rýzýktýr size.
Sual ettiler bize-Var mý ondan pay bize, Çýkartýp verdik hemen,balýktan biz Resule, Yedi Mübarek Resul,dua ettiler bize, Gelen Haktan elbet,Resul dedi mucize.
They tell Hazrat Jabir, His Companions were from my Kira, The Messenger of God made detachment and sent it to the enemies, Abu Ubayda had an escaped caravan, Said the Messenger of Allah do not run away, we need a caravan.
There was only food, every day a date for us, There was no other food, we ate it with water. We used to suck in our mouths, little by little, One night is enough palm, what other blessing travels.
Drop the leaves, soak them in water, We went on for a while, so our way, We came to the seashore, there was a mountain that looked like it, They said this is not the mountain, but the whale called anber.
They were already dead, carrion is unbeatable forbidden, We are on our way, Mawlana, they said, there is necessity, We ate for a month, we got fat well, We constantly removed oil from his eyes with jugs.
We would tear from it, meat as much as water buffalo, He sat down with three companions, someone in his eyes, Whale rib, we sewed it somewhere, With his groom above him, the camel passed under.
We dried the meat, made bacon from it, We ate it all the time, on the way and at once When we came to Madinah, we told the Messenger, He said -Come from my Lord, he is a provision for you.
They asked us - Is there any share of it? We gave it away, out of fish, we Resule, Seven Blessed Messenger, they prayed to us, The Prophet said miracle.
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