





Bi Cümle




Sordu birgün Fatýma,evde Resulullaha,
Cennete hangi kadýn,ilk önce girer baba,
Buyurdu Resulullah,vardýr falan mahalde,
Girer kýzým cennete,o hatun senden önce.

Tanýþayým diyerek,gider onun evine,
Aradýlar bir müddet bulup geldi mahalle,
Týklattýlar tokmaðý,Ses geldi yaþlý biri,
Ses o kadar kalýndý,sandý bir Piri fani.

Kim o diyerek geldi,bir ses evin içinden,
Benim Fatýma Zehra,benim evine gelen,
Açmadýlar kapýyý,feda olsam yoluna,
Kocamýn izni yoktur,nolur beni baðýþla.

Çok arzu eder idim,seninle konuþmayý,
Gelemedim baðýþla,kocam göndermez beni,
Ýzinsiz açmam asla,gelenlere kapýmý,
Akþam izin alýrým,kocamdýr elbet haklý.

Döndü tekrar evine,geldi yarýn oraya,
Kadýn izin almýþtý,geldi oðlu Hasanla,
Küçük Hasan durmadý,geleyim dedi bende,
Fatýma anne üzgün,tuttu onu eliyle.

Geldi kutlu hatuna,çaldýlar kapýsýný,
Çocuk sesi duyunca,kapýsýný açmadý,
Ýzni aldým sadece,kocamdan sizin için,
Ýzin alýrým yarýn,beni nolur affedin.

Giremedi Fatýma,bir daha döndü ordan,
Üçüncü gün geldiler,üþenmeden o yoldan,
Bu seferde yanýnda,aldýlar Hüseyini,
Hasan Hüseyin çocuk,bunda da hikmet gizli.

Hatun mübarek kadýn,açmadýlar kapýyý,
Israr etmedi annem,dönmek zorunda kaldý,
Dördüncü gün beraber,vardýlar kapýsýna,
Ýzin almýþtý hatun,kuruldular odaya.

Özür diler binlerce,aðýrladý onlarý,
Fatýma gördü onu,birden çok afalladý,
Sanýyordu çok yaþlý,biri vardýr içerde,
Ýçerden çýkan hatun,hem güzel hem de taze.

Konuþurken sizinle,sesin ne de kalýndý,
Þimdi bakarým sana,sesin ne kadar tatlý.
Hatun sesim haramdýr,duyar onu insanlar,
Küçük bir taþ koydum,duyanlar yaþlý sanar.

Günahtýr kadýn sesi,mesdeder erkekleri,
Çýkardým siz gelince,kimse duymaz sesimi,
Memnun oldu Fatýma,dost edindiler onu,
Resulun bu müjdesi,hem gerçek hem de doðru.

Sohbet ettiler hayli,akþama kadar orda,
Danýþtý güzel hatun,bir çok konuyu ona,
Ey Resulumün kýzý,kocamýn vardýr hakký,
Ýfa eder miyim acep,kocama olan hakký.

Korkuyorum deyince,verdiler müjdeleri
Resul buyurdu sana,girenlerin evveli,
Bil akis gireceksin,ilk olarak cennete,
Kocanla mesut yaþa,duaný eksik etme.




One day Fatima asked the Messenger of Allah at home,
Which woman will enter heaven first, father,
Said the Messenger of Allah, there is something in the neighborhood,
My daughter goes to heaven, that girl before you.

He goes to his house saying let me meet,
They looked for a while and found the neighborhood,
They clicked the knocker, There was a sound, an old man,
The sound was so thick, he thought a Piri mortal.

Who is he came saying, a voice from inside the house,
My Fatima Zehra, who came to my house,
They didn’t open the door, if I sacrifice your way,
My husband has no permission, please forgive me.

I would very much like to talk to you
I couldn’t come, forgive me, my husband won’t send me
I will never open my door without permission,
I’ll take evening leave, of course my husband is right.

He returned to his house again, came there tomorrow,
The woman got permission, her son Hasanla came,
Little Hasan did not stop, he said to come,
Fatima, the mother, is upset, she held her with her hand.

He came to your blessed lady, they knocked on her door,
When the boy heard the voice, he did not open his door,
I just got permission from my husband for you
I’ll take permission tomorrow, please forgive me.

Fatima could not enter, she returned from there again,
On the third day they came that way without feeling lazy,
This time, they took Huseyini with him,
Hasan Hüseyin is a child, and the wisdom is hidden in this.

Blessed woman, woman, they did not open the door,
My mother didn’t insist, she had to return
On the fourth day together, they arrived at your door,
She got permission, they were set up in the room.

Apologize, hosted them thousands,
Fatima saw her, suddenly she was stunned,
He thought he was too old, there is someone inside,
The chick that comes out from inside is both beautiful and fresh.

When you spoke with you, your voice was neither deep,
I look at you now, how sweet your voice is.
My baby voice is haram, people hear him,
I put a small stone, those who hear it think it is old.

The voice of a woman is a sin, it haunts men,
I took it out when you come, nobody hears my voice
Fatima was pleased, they made her friend,
This gospel of the apostle is both true and true.

They chatted a lot, there until the evening,
Beautiful chick consulted her many matters,
O daughter of my apostle, my husband has his right,
Will I be able to fulfill it, my right to my husband.

When they say I’m scared, they gave the good news
The Messenger said to you, the first of those who enter,
Know you will flow, first to heaven,
Live happy with your husband, do not miss your prayer.

12.01.2014 // KIRIKKALE

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