





Bi Cümle




Geldi Musa Ümmeti,söylesen sen Rabbine,
Müsafir olsun bize,nemiz varsa önünde,
Musa azarlar orda,-Nasýl olur bu haþa,
Bir daha duymayayým,böyle sözü Allaha.

Musa giderken Tura,geldi Haktan bir nida,
Kullarýmdan davet var,söylemedin sen bana.
Ederim Ya Rab haya, nasýl söylerim sana.
Berisin sen bunlardan,salat selamlar sana.

Rab Teala buyurdular,-Geleceðim cumada.
Gelip haber verdiler,baþladý hazýrlýða.
Kesildi koyun sýðýr,konuldu kazanlara,
Mükellef yemek hazýr,mis gibiydi ortada.

Gelen müsafir deðil,Alemleri yaratan,
Beklediler çok vakit,gelen yoktu yollardan.
Uzaktan geldi biri,yorgun argýn periþan,
Uzaktan geldim Musa,yok mu beni doyuran?

Acým günlerden beri,doyurayým karnýmý,
Musa -Bekle þurada,doldur sen þu testiyi,
Katkýn olsun biraz,bekliyoruz Rabbimi,
Adam durmadý orda,üzüldü çekip gitti.

Yaklaþtý yatsý vakti,müsafir hala yoktu,
Sabah doðdu güneþ,yemekler çok soðudu,
Kestiler ümütleri,Musa der niye oldu,
Üzüldü Hz.Musa,Halkýna mahcup oldu.

Tura gittiler Musa-Ya Rabbi neler oldu?
Ümmetim derler bana-Musa yalancý oldu.
Rab buyurdu orada-Geldim sana Ya Musa,
Acým dedim ben sana,gönderdin beni suya.

Aðýrlamadýn sen orda,aðýrlamaz senin kavmin,
Gelen yoksul fakirdi,gelen Rabbim deðildin,
Ben o kulla beraber,onu nimet bilmedin,
Ben acým dedim sana,sen beni çok beklettin.

Doyurmuþ olsan onu,doyar idim bende,
Sýðmam ben Ya Musa,ne göklere ne yere,
Ancak sýðarým Musa,fakir miskin kalplere,
Aðýrlamadýn beni,girmiþtim kalbi fakre.




The Ummah of Moses came, tell your Lord,
Let us give whatever we have in front of you,
Moses scolds there, -How can this be,
I will not hear again, such a word to God.

When Moses was leaving, Tura came, a cry from Haktan,
There is an invitation from my servants, you did not tell me.
Thank you, Ya Rab haya, how can I tell you.
You are one of them, salat greetings to you.

The Lord said, `` I will come on Friday.
They came and informed them, the preparations started.
Sheep and cattle were slaughtered, they were put in cauldrons,
The sumptuous meal was ready, it was clear.

It is not the guest who comes, but the one who creates the realms,
They waited a long time, there was no one coming from the roads.
Someone came from afar, tired and miserable,
I came from afar, Moses, isn’t it that feeds me?

Since my painful days, I have been feeding my stomach,
Moses - Wait there, fill that jug,
May you contribute a little, we are waiting for my Lord,
The man did not stop there, he got upset and left.

Isha time approached, there was still no seeker,
The sun rose in the morning, the food got very cold,
They cut their hopes, why did Moses say,
Prophet Musa (as) was saddened and embarrassed to his people.

They went on tour Musa Ya Rabbi What happened?
They call me my ummah - Moses became a liar.
The Lord said there - I have come to you O Moses,
I said my pain, you sent me to the water.

You did not welcome there, your tribe would not,
The poor who came was poor, you were not my Lord who came,
I was with that servant, you did not know him as a blessing,
I told you I was painful, you made me wait too long.

If you had fed him, I was full too,
I do not fit in Ya Musa, neither to the heavens nor the earth,
But I fit into poor hearts, Moses,
You did not welcome me, I entered poor heart.

08.01.2014 // KIRIKKALE

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