





Bi Cümle




Katýldým apartman toplantýsýna,
Bayýldým herkesin konuþmasýna,
Çare aradýk tüm sorunlarýmýza,
Apartman sorunu bitmiyor kardeþ.

Eski böyle miydi hep tek katlýydý,
Komþular beraber mangal yakardý,
Her hafta sýrayý biri alýrdý,
Apartman sorunu bitmiyor kardeþ.

Apartmanda herkes,hep ciddi resmi,
Mangal ortada yok,deðil samimi,
Suratlar gerilmiþ, hep düþman gibi,
Apartman sorunu bitmiyor kardeþ.

Baþlar apartmanda,iþte toplantýsý,
Mangalýn yerinde karar defteri,
Arkadaþlar dedi, bak yönetici,
Apartman sorunu bitmiyor kardeþ.

Apartman sakini neyin sakini,
Sakinliði býrak hepsi de kinli,
Az kalsýn yiyecek bak birbirini,
Apartman sorunu bitmiyor kardeþ.

Dedim arkadaþlar katýldým yeni,
Tanýþalým önce,görmedim sanki,
Dikkat edin buna, duyuldu gibi,
Apartman sorunu bitmiyor kardeþ.

Yarýsý kiracýymýþ,kalan sahibi,
Kimisi memurmuþ,kimi emekli,
Gün görmüþ hepisi halinden belli,
Apartman sorunu bitmiyor kardeþ.

Her kesim partiden bak varmýþ bizde,
Kimisi çok zengin,kimisi krizde,
Herkes de konuþmak ister mi birde,
Apartman sorunu bitmiyor kardeþ.

Aidat ödemez biriken varmýþ,
Esnafýn durumu hayli zordaymýþ,
Hele ortada yok,ondan gelmemiþ,
Apartman sorunu bitmiyor kardeþ.

Biri mühendismiþ baþlar detaya,
Çevreden girdi,geldi çatýya,
Kapý önemliymiþ geldi oraya,
Apartman sorunu bitmiyor kardeþ.

Dýþ kapý açýkmýþ gelen girermiþ,
Yabancý araçlar park edermiþ,
Belediye bizi gözden çýkarmýþ,
Apartman sorunu bitmiyor kardeþ.

Herkes yönetici ben olsam dedi,
Kararlar deftere bir bir yazýldý,
Bir ay sonra toplanacaðýz dendi,
Apartman sorunu bitmiyor kardeþ.




I attended the apartment meeting,
I loved everybody talking
We searched for a solution to all our problems,
The apartment problem does not end, brother.

Was it like the old, it was always one-story?
Neighbors used to light a barbecue together,
Every week someone would take the turn,
The apartment problem does not end, brother.

Everyone in the apartment, always serious painting,
There is no barbecue, not sincere,
The faces are stretched, always like the enemy,
The apartment problem does not end, brother.

Starts in the apartment, here is the meeting,
Decision book in place of the barbecue,
Friends said, look manager,
The apartment problem does not end, brother.

What is the resident of the apartment,
Leave the calm all spiteful,
Just look at each other to eat,
The apartment problem does not end, brother.

I said friends, I joined a new
Let’s meet first, as if I haven’t seen it
Watch out for this, as it sounds,
The apartment problem does not end, brother.

Half of them were tenants, the remaining owner,
Some were civil servants, some retired,
The day has seen all of them are obvious,
The apartment problem does not end, brother.

We had a look from every part of the party,
Some are very rich, some are in crisis,
Does everybody want to talk too?
The apartment problem does not end, brother.

There is an accumulation that does not pay dues,
The situation of the shopkeepers was very difficult,
Especially not in the middle, it did not come from him,
The apartment problem does not end, brother.

One of them was an engineer and he starts to detail,
He entered from the environment, came to the roof,
The door was important, it came there
The apartment problem does not end, brother.

The outside door was open and he came in,
Foreign vehicles parked,
The municipality has discredited us,
The apartment problem does not end, brother.

Everyone said if I was the manager,
The decisions are written in the notebook one by one,
It was said that we will meet in a month,
The apartment problem does not end, brother.

24.04.2002 // KIRIKKALE

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