





Bi Cümle




Merv þehri Kadýsýnýn,vardý bir güzel kýzý,
Zengin ünlü kimseler,istemek için vardý.
Vermedi Kadý onu,bakýnca gelenlere,
Vardý orda Kadýnýn,baðýna bakan köle.

Geçti aradan aylar,üzümler olgunlaþtý,
Ýsteyince Efendi,köle baðdan topladý,
Üzümler güzel ama,deðildi henüz olgun,
Getirdiði üzümler, hem ekþiydi hem solgun.

Köle-Bilmiyorum ben,ekþiyle tatlý nerde,
Bað sahibi-Ýki aydýr,baðýmdasýn ne böyle?
Mübarek adlý köle-Korudum ben baðýný,
Yeyin demediniz ki,yenen helal olmalý.

Efendi hayran kaldý,güven vermiþti ona,
Sana bir þey sorayým,cevabýný ver bana,
Kýzým evde isterler,vereyim hangisine?
Almaktýr muradým,fikrini korkma söyle.

Mübarek-Devri cehlde,iltifat soya sopa,
Yahudiyle nasrani,bakardýlar boyuna,
Buyurdu Resulullah-Seçin dindar olaný,
Bugünde arar insan,var mý malý makamý.

Kadý-Seçtim güzelce,dindar takva olaný,
Kýzýma seni seçtim,buldum Haktan korkaný,
Kaçýyorsun haramdan,býraktýn þüpheliyi,
Emanet ve güvende,kýzýma seçtim seni.

Köle Mübarek-Olmaz,sattý insanlar beni,
Herkes diyecek sana-Aklý yoktur hem deli,
Kabul eder mi kýzýn,bir sual etsen ona?,
Ne diyecek bu millet,bekle gör sen yakýnda.

Kararlý idi Kadý,-Kalk gidelim evime,
Varýnca Hatununa-Salih dindar bir köle,
Vereceðim kýzýmý,nedir senin görüþün?
Dedi ona hanýmý-Kýza sor biraz düþün.

Sordu kýza annesi-Kýzým sen neler dersin?
Kýzý-Býraktým size,en iyiyi bilirsin,
Kýyýldý nikahlarý,gitti onlar evine,
Mübarek köle girmez,kýrk gün oldu gerdeðe.

Duydu olaný anne,soluðu evde aldý,
Verdin garip köleye, kýza dönüp bakmadý,
Kadý dedi-Mübarek,naz mý edersin kýza,
Bunca zamandýr niçin,varmýyorsun yanýna.

Mübarek-Nasýl sözdür,naz yapmak ne haddime?
Bilirsin Kadýsýnýz,þüphe geldi gönlüme,
Bekledim bunca zaman,yedirdim helal ona,
Kýrk günde þüpheliler,temiz olur hanýma.

Muradým salih evlat,düþüncem olmaz baþka,
Yaklaþtý kýrk gün sonra,evinde hatununa,
Verdi Yüce Yaradan,Abdullahý onlara,
Dua eder insü cin,koru diye Allaha.




The Kader of the city of Marw had a beautiful daughter,
Rich famous people were there to ask.
The Kadi did not give him, when he looked at those who came,
There was a slave who looked at the woman’s vineyard.

Months passed, the grapes ripened,
When asked, the master gathered the slave from the vineyard,
The grapes are beautiful but they were not yet ripe,
The grapes he brought were both sour and pale.

Slave-I don’t know where is sweet with sour,
Vineyard owner-For two months, you are in my garden, what’s that?
A slave named Mubarak- I protected his bond,
You did not say eat, it must be halal.

The master was admired and reassured him,
Let me ask you something, give me your answer
My daughter want it at home, which one should I give?
I want to buy, tell me your opinion, do not be afraid.

Blessed-Era in Hell, compliment soy stick,
The Jews and the nasrani, they looked at length,
Said the Messenger of Allah-Select the devout one,
Today, people are looking for a position of property.

Kadý-I chose beautifully, devout piety,
I chose you for my daughter, I found the righteous one,
You run away from haram, you left the suspect,
Safe and secure, I chose you for my daughter.

Slave Mubarak-Not, people sold me,
Everyone will say to you-He has no mind and he is crazy,
Would she accept it, ask her for a question?
What will these folks say, wait and see soon.

Kadý was determined, - Let’s go home,
On Arrival - Salih is a devout slave,
I will give my daughter, what is your opinion?
She said to her, ask her-girl to think about it.

She asked her mother-daughter what do you say?
Daughter - I left you, you know the best,
Their wedding was cut off, they went home,
Blessed slaves do not enter, it has been forty days.

The one who heard, the mother, took the breath at home,
You gave the strange slave, she did not look back at the girl,
Kadý said - Mubarak, do you curse the girl?
Why have you not been with you all this time?

Mubarak-How is it a word, how to do it?
You know, you are a woman, I have doubts in my heart,
I have waited all this time, I fed him halal,
In forty days, the suspects will be clean, madam.

My son is righteous, I have no other thoughts,
He approached forty days later, in his house to his daughter,
The Almighty Creator gave Abdullah to them,
He prays to God for protection.

02.01.2015 // KIRIKKALE

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