





Bi Cümle




Genç Kemal Paþazade,gelirler Edirne’ye,
Bir oda tutmak ister,giderler medreseye,
Müderris -Molla inan,bir oda vardýr bende,
Ele geçirdi cinler,kimse girmez içine.

Kim oraya girerse,sabah çýkar ölüsü,
Tehlikeli bir iþtir,diyerek keser sözü,
Paþazade K.Molla,ýsrar eder sözünde,
Verir miftahý Hoca-Der hakký helal eyle.

Girer kapýdan içre,Molla Kemal içeri,
Hazýr eder Müderris,bir tabutla kefeni,
Olur gece yarýsý,duvar açýlýr birden,
Bir sabi çocuk ile, ihtiyar ondan gelen.

Ýhtiyar-Ey Evladým,yavrum sana emanet,
Öðret buna ilmini,haccý namazý bellet,
Molla baþlar hemence,okutur besmeleyi,
Verirler Kuran dersi,bir müddette sabiyi.

Sabah çýkar duvardan,gelir ihtiyar yine,
Ey Oðlum razý olsun,gülsün yüzün cihanda,
Melikiyim cinlerin,Asfail derler bana,
Çocuðumla gelirim,hemen hergün odaya.

Verdim hep gelenlere,çocuk çeksin besmele,
El kaldýrýr çocuða,ne yaptýmsa nafile,
Öldürdüm bir kaçýný,verdim ben cezasýný,
Emanete hýyanet,buldular belasýný.

Açýlsýn ilim yolu,dua ederim sana,
Ýnan Müftü olursun,cinlere insanlara,
Kaybolur çocuðuyla,girer hemen duvara,
Genç Kemal Paþazade,bakýyordu korkuyla.

Sabah dýþarý çýkar,toplanmýþtý insanlar,
Su ýsýtmýþ cemaat,hepsi onu karþýlar,
Ölmemiþ yaþýyor bak,bakar herkes hayretle,
Okudular bir müddet,yükseldiler ilimde.

Oldular ilmde zirve,fetva verdiler halka,
Fetva verir gecede,cinlerle insanlara,
Ýlmin baþý cefa,sonunda vardýr safa,
Alimler baþ tacýmýz,þefaatçi orada.



The Mufti of the Human and the Genie ...

Young Kemal Pasazade, they come to Edirne,
They want to rent a room, they go to the madrasa,
Müderris - Believe me, I have a room,
The jinn captured, nobody enters it.

Whoever enters there, comes out in the morning, his dead body,
He interrupts the word saying it is a dangerous job,
Paþazade K. Molla insists on his promise,
Hoca-Der, who gives the miftah, make the right lawful.

Molla Kemal enters through the door, in
Müderris prepares a coffin and shroud,
It happens in the middle of the night, the wall suddenly opens,
With a dead boy, the old one coming from him.

Old-O my son, my child is entrusted to you,
Teach it your knowledge, teach the pilgrimage to prayer,
The mullah starts immediately, he reads the basmala,
They teach the lessons of the Qur’an, patience for a while.

The morning comes off the wall, the old man comes again,
O my son, bless your face in the world,
I am a man of jinn, they call me Asfail,
I come with my child, almost every day in the room.

I always gave to those who came, let the child suffer, feed him,
Raises a hand to the boy, whatever I did is futile,
I killed some of them, I gave them their punishment,
Betrayal of trust, they found their scourge.

Let the path of knowledge open, I pray to you,
Believe you will be Mufti, jinn to people,
He disappears with his child, he immediately enters the wall,
Young Kemal Paþazade was looking with fear.

Go out in the morning, people gathered,
The congregation that has heated water, they all greet him,
He lives not dead, look, everyone looks in amazement,
They studied for a while, they rose in science.

They became a peak in science, they gave fatwas to the people,
He gives fatwa in the night, to jinn and people,
Knowledge begins with pain, and at the end it comes to life,
The scholars are our chief crown, the intercessor is there.

02.01.2015 // KIRIKKALE

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