





Bi Cümle




Nice zenginler gördüm,eli gitmezdi cebe,
Yoksul bir komþum vardý,daðýttý gündüz gece,
Gün geldi gitti hepsi,yatarlar kabristanda,
Orda artýk farký yok,ne zengin ne fukara.

Topladýlar dünyayý,kalmadý servetleri,
Býraktýlar geride,þýmarýk züppe nesli,
Nasibi yok hayýrdan,vermiyor meteliði,
Gece gündüz içerler,bilmez fakir halini.

Verecekler hesabý,mahþerde terazide,
Adil orada Allah,girecek cehenneme,
Ne korkunç yer orasý!Ateþler kor halinde!
Geçemez çoðu insan,düþer harlý ateþe.

Burda tarladýr dünya,kazan sen ahireti,
Biçemezsin ekmeden!Boylar insan ateþi!
Kiþi burdan götürür,ateþ gider dünyadan,
Sanma haksýzlýk olmaz!Adaletli Yaradan!

Tercihi bize vermiþ,göndermiþ Hak Kitabý,
Göndermiþ Peygamberi,Hakka iletir bizi,
Haram belli sýnýrlý,helal geniþtir bize,
Ýyi düþün kardeþim,yaþa aman güzelce.

Salihlerin sohbeti,deva olur insana,
Fasýklarýn sohbeti,zehir saçar duyana,
Gýybet haset günahtýr,uzak kalmalý insan,
Sorulacak her þeyden,helal olsa da maldan.

Bitecek ömür bir gün,buyururlar mezara,
Konulur musallaya!Okur Hoca bir Sala!
Kýlýnýr dört tekbirle,namazýn son bir defa,
Götürürler mezara,Ýmamýn Kayýðýyla!



The boat of the imam ....

I saw many rich people, his hands would not go to the pocket,
I had a poor neighbor, he messed it up day and night,
The day has come, they all lie in the cemetery,
There is no difference anymore, neither rich nor poor.

They gathered the world, no more wealth left,
They left behind, the spoiled dandy generation,
He has no words, he does not give money,
They drink day and night, he doesn’t know his poor state.

The account of what to give is on the scale in the judgment,
Just there, God will enter Hell,
What a terrible place it is!
Most people cannot pass, fall into the blazing fire.

The world is a field here, you win the hereafter,
You can’t reap without sowing! Boyes are human fire!
One takes away from here, the fire goes from the world,
Do not think it would be unfair! Just Creator!

The Book of Rights that gave us the preference,
He sends the Prophet to the truth,
Haram is limited, halal is wide for us,
Think well bro, live beautifully.

The conversation of the righteous is a cure for people,
The conversation of the devils, whoever spills poison,
Backbiting is envy, one should stay away,
Anything to ask, even if it is halal.

One day the life will end, they welcome the grave,
It is put into the haunt! Reads Hodja, a Sala!
It makes four takbirs, your prayer one last time,
They take it to the grave with the Imam’s Boat!

30.10.2014 // KIRIKKALE

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