Bin dokuz yüz seksen,geldim Keskine, Yeni yapýlmýþ kurs,yüksek tepede, Açmýþ yüreðini, talebelere, Bizi çok severdin,Niyazi Hocam.
Her þeyi baþýndan,iyi bellettin, Abdesti namazý,güzel öðrettin, Her þeyde disiplin,gerekli derdin, Bizi çok severdin,Niyazi Hocam.
Paramýzý alýr,kasaya kordun, Paramýz olmazsa,harçlýk verirdin, Gece evde kalmaz,bizi beklerdin, Bizi çok severdin,Niyazi Hocam.
Bir kere kýrmadýn,hiç kalbimizi, Sade hoca deðil,aðbimiz gibi, Talebeyle sanki,arkadaþ gibi, Bizi çok severdin,Niyazi Hocam.
Çok kýsa zamanda,neler öðrendik, Yasin,tebareke,ezbere verdik, Tarýk-i nakþinin,sýrrýna erdik, Bizi çok severdin,Niyazi Hocam.
Bir yandan hizmetti,ders öte yanda, Haftada bir çýkar,çaylar kazanda, Bizi düþünürdün,izin bir ayda, Bizi çok severdin,Niyazi Hocam.
Yüz yirmi kiþiydik,yukarý kursta, Ders baþlar baþlamaz,hepsi bir safta, Sohbet,namaz,yemek ye doya doya, Bizi çok severdin,Niyazi Hocam.
Edep,erkan,tadil,sende öðrendik, Sohbeti Cananla,kývama geldik, Bahar-ý gençliði,güzel geçirdik, Bizi çok severdin,Niyazi Hocam.
Yýllardýr bitmedi,arttý sevgimiz, Aramýz uzaksa,birdir kalbimiz, Her sene pilavda,sizi bekleriz, Bizi çok severdin,Niyazi Hocam.
One thousand nine hundred and eighty, I came to the Sharp, The newly built course, on the high hill, He has opened his heart to students, You used to love us very much, Niyazi Hodja.
You remembered everything well from the beginning, You taught ablution prayer well, Discipline in everything, your necessary concern, You loved us very much, Niyazi Hodja.
You took our money, corded it to the safe, If we didn’t have money, you’d give pocket money, You wouldn’t stay home at night, you would wait for us, You used to love us very much, Niyazi Hodja.
Once you didn’t break our hearts, Not just a teacher, like our brother, With the student as if, like a friend, You loved us very much, Niyazi Hodja.
What have we learned in a very short time? Yasin, tebareke, we gave it by heart, We have come to the secret of Tariq-i embroidery, You used to love us very much, Niyazi Hodja.
On the one hand it was service, on the other hand, Take out once a week, teas in the cauldron, You would think of us, leave in a month, You used to love us very much, Niyazi Hodja.
We were one hundred and twenty, up course, As soon as the lesson begins, all in one row, Chat, prayer, eat to your heart’s content, You used to love us very much, Niyazi Hodja.
Nasty, early, amendment, we learned in you, Chat with Canan, we have come to a stage, We had a good spring youth, You used to love us very much, Niyazi Hodja.
It hasn’t ended for years, our love has increased, If we are far apart, our hearts are one, Every year on rice, we expect you, You loved us very much, Niyazi Hodja.
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