





Bi Cümle




Muhsin Yazýcý, adý güzel insan,
Atadan yadigar,dürüstlük timsali,
Geliyor ufuktan Türk’ü kurtaracak insan,
Vatan kahramaný,dürüst Muhsin Baþkan.

Anandan doðdun Allah diyordun,
Büyüdün top oynadýn Allah diyordun,
Askerde,cephede Allah diyordun,
Vatan kahramaný,dürüst Muhsin Baþkan.

Görmedi Türkiye Özal’dan beri,
Hasan Celal Güzel,Tayyip,Kahveci,
Gönüllerimizi fetheden iyi kalpli insan,
Vatan kahramaný,dürüst Muhsin Baþkan.

Adýn güzel,eþin güzel,iþin güzel,
Geliþin ayrý güzel,gidiþin ayrý güzel,
Diðerlerine göre her þeyin güzel,
Vatan kahramaný,dürüst Muhsin Baþkan.

Türk -Ýslam davasýna baþýný koydun,
Arslanlar gibi Mamak’larda yattýn,
Sana ceza verene yazýklar olsun,
Vatan kahramaný,dürüst Muhsin Baþkan.

Bu vataný tanýyoruz eskiden beri,
Eskileri de biliriz,yeni siyasileri,
Ayinesi iþtir kiþinin,lafa gerek yok inan,
Vatan kahramaný,dürüst Muhsin Baþkan,

Yalakalýk deðil, doðruyu yazarým,
Allah için bir menfaat deðil muradým,
Belki bir hayýr duaný da ben alýrým,
Vatan kahramaný,dürüst Muhsin Baþkan.

Arslaným,yiðidim,ata yadigarým,
Sen emret,ne dersen yaparým,
Her alanda sana, destek olurum,
Vatan kahramaný,dürüst Muhsin Baþkan.

Millet seni bekliyor gece ve gündüz,
Uyku haram sana almazsan iktidarý,
Ecdadýn duasý seninle ey güzel insan,
Vatan kahramaný,dürüst Muhsin Baþkan.

Hüdayi yeter artýk millet onu tanýyor,
Saðcý,solcu ayrýmý yok,hizmet geliyor,
Sen de þiir okuma bak giriyor hapse okuyan,
Vatan kahramaný,dürüst Muhsin Baþkan.


Hidayet Doðan



Muhsin Yazýcý, a beautiful person,
Heirloom from ancestor, a symbol of honesty,
The person who will save the Turk from the horizon is coming,
Homeland hero, honest Muhsin President.

You were born from your mother, you were saying God,
You grew up played ball, you were saying God,
You used to say Allah in the army, at the front,
Homeland hero, honest Muhsin President.

Visually Turkey since Ozal,
Hasan Celal Güzel, Tayyip, Coffee Shop,
The kindhearted person who conquered our hearts,
Homeland hero, honest Muhsin President.

Your name is beautiful, your wife is beautiful, your work is good,
Your arrival is beautiful, your departure is beautiful,
According to others, everything is fine,
Homeland hero, honest Muhsin President.

You put your head to the Turkish-Islam cause,
You slept in Mamak like lions,
Shame on you who punished you,
Homeland hero, honest Muhsin President.

We’ve known this land since the past,
We know the old, the new politicians,
The ritual is the work of the person, no need for words believe it,
Fatherland hero, honest Muhsin President,

I’m not cringe, I write the truth,
My desire is not a benefit for Allah,
Maybe I’ll take a no prayer,
Homeland hero, honest Muhsin President.

My lion, valiant, heirloom,
You order, I will do whatever you say,
I support you in all areas,
Homeland hero, honest Muhsin President.

The nation is waiting for you day and night,
If you do not take power for you to sleep,
Your ancestor’s prayer is with you, oh beautiful person
Homeland hero, honest Muhsin President.

Enough is enough, the people know him,
There is no right or left distinction, service is coming,
You read poetry, look who reads to jail,
Homeland hero, honest Muhsin President.


Hidayet Dogan

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