





Bi Cümle




Dünyada her þey iki türlü,
Kimi uzun kimi kýsa boylu,
Her yerde var haklýsý,haksýzý,
Cennet salih, iyilerle dolu.

Ancak iyiler girer cennete,
Kötüyüde atarlar, cehenneme,
Kalmaz kimsenin,hakký kimsede,
Cehennem zalim, haksýzla dolu.

Hak yemeyenler hep cennette,
Kafirlere azap,cehennemde,
Karun,Firavun,Ebu Cehilide,
Atmýþlar yanýyor cehennemde.

Ýyiysen korkma yerin cennet,
Her cuma Allahý (cc) seyret,
Kul,hakla huzura varmaz elbet
Cehennem kafir,haksýzla dolu.

Zalim,firavunlar oradalar,
Nice yýl ateþte yanýyorlar,
Zebaniler ateþle daðlýyorlar,
Cehennem münafýklarla dolu.

Adil sultan oturmuþ divana,
Kabri dönmüþ cennet bahçesine,
Hasretle bekliyor onlar Kýyameti,
Cenneti abid,müttaki dolu.

Adi,alçak,sefihler orada,
Dünyada melanet yapan burda,
Kabrine baksak muhakkak ateþte,
Cehennem þarab-ý hamrla dolu,.

Allah dostlarýnýn duacýsý çok,
Çok ünlü ateiste baktým hiç yok,
Mezarýnda bir an rahatý yok,
Cehennem sapýk,dinsizle dolu.

Herkes haklýsýný orda tarýyor,
Hakkýmý yedi diye arýyor,
Orda her þey gayet ciddi oluyor,
Cehennem günahkar, piþmanla dolu.

Kardeþ kardeþinden hak istiyor,
Çocuk ana,babadan kaçýyor,
Maktuller katilini bekliyor,
Cehennem haksýz,katille dolu.

Çok gezerim kabri,ibret alýrým,
Bazen bir iki saat kalýrým,
Tanýdýk,akrabaya varýrým,
Cennet fakih,salihle dolu.

Hüdayi,bir gün gideceðiz oraya,
Herkes gibi,o gün gelecek bize,
Allahým ne olur,bize yardým eyle,
Cennet fukara,mazlumla dolu.

Hidayet Doðan



Everything in the world is in two ways,
Some are tall, some are short,
There is rightful, wrong, everywhere
Heaven is righteous, full of good.

Only the good will enter heaven,
Throw the bad into hell
Nobody stays, nobody has the right,
Hell is full of cruel and wrong.

Those who do not deserve are always in heaven,
Punishment to the disbelievers, in hell,
Karun, Pharaoh, Abu Jahili,
They have thrown are burning in hell.

If you’re fine, don’t be afraid your place is heaven,
Watch Allah (swt) every Friday,
Of course, the servant does not find peace with the right
Hell is full of infidel, wrongdoing.

Cruel, the pharaohs are there,
Many years they are burning in the fire,
Fiends are branded with fire,
Hell is full of hypocrites.

The just sultan is sitting on the sofa,
To the garden of Eden whose grave is turned,
Longingly they await the Doomsday,
Abid heaven, mutaki hail.

Wretched, mean, dissolute are there,
Who makes mischief in the world here,
If we look at his grave in fire,
Hell is full of wine.

The prayers of the friends of Allah are very,
I looked at the very famous atheist, none at all,
There is no comfort in your grave for a moment,
Hell is perverse, full of atheists.

Everybody is scanning for the right there,
He’s looking for my rights,
Everything is very serious there,
Hell is sinful, full of regret.

Brother asks for rights from his brother,
The child is running away from the mother, the father,
The victims are waiting for their killer,
Hell is unfair, full of murderers.

I travel a lot, take lessons,
Sometimes I stay for an hour or two
I get acquainted, relatives,
Heaven is full of righteous, righteous.

Hüdayi, one day we will go there,
Like everyone else, that day will come to us,
God, please help us,
Heaven is full of poor, oppressed.

Hidayet Dogan

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