





Bi Cümle




Yýl 1998 Muhittin Ardahana beraber geldik,
Bazen üzüldük ama her zaman güldük,
Düþerek kalkarak bu günlere geldik,
Nasýl unuturum sizi Dostum Musa Bey.

Kültürlü,görgülü,bir haylide zengin,
Býrak Kýrýkkale’yi de Ankara’da yok dengin,
Boyun uzun ama niye sað omzun engin,
Nasýl unuturum sizi,Dostum Musa Bey.

Eþin güzel,ailen güzel,her þeyin güzel,
Dünyan güzel,olur ahirin de inþallah güzel,
Kalbin temiz,sözün saðlam,özün güzel,
Nasýl ununturum sizi Dostum Musa Bey.

Ýdareci,yol gösterici,teselli veren,
Düþene vuran deðil,tutup yerden kaldýran,
Öðüt veren,yola koyan,doðruyu gösteren,
Nasýl unuturum sizi Dostum Musa Bey.

Her zaman gözümde o gülen yüzün,
Benim halim belli,devamlý hüzün,
Dengin deðilim,katlandýn bana her gün,
Nasýl unuturum sizi Dostum Musa Bey.

Nerden çýktý bu emeklilik,ne güzel çalýþýyorduk,
Müdüre,yeni okula yeni yeni alýþýyorduk,
Gece gündüz vatana millete çalýþýyorduk,
Nasýl unuturum sizi Dostum Musa Bey.

Almanca branþýn Türkçeye girdin,
G.K.Y,roman okutarak bu güne geldin,
Olmasan sýnýfta hiç hissedilmezdin,
Nasýl unuturum sizi Dostum Musa Bey.

Bu okulda artýk kim bana komplo kuracak,
Müdür bey,Fuat mý bana karþý duracak,
Tadý kaçtý bu okulun giden kurtulacak,
Nasýl unuturum sizi Dostum Musa Bey.

Diðer öðretmenler de hep böyle olsa,
Bazýlarý sizden biraz ders alsa,
Huyu size benzeyen biri daha gelse,
Nasýl unuturum sizi Dostum Musa Bey.

Gidiyorsun yolun açýk olsun,unutmayacaðýz,
Dolaptan su içerken hep sizi anacaðýz,
Güzel anýlarla hep hayýrla yad edeceðiz,
Dostum Musa Bey sizi hiç unutmayacaðýz.

Arabanla azmý çarþýya gitmedik,
Yedi yýldýr,bir kere bile kavga etmedik,
Öðretmenevinde beraber çok yemek yedik,
Nasýl unuturum sizi Dostum Musa Bey.

Ben kolay kolay kimseye dost olmam,
Bu kadar uzun süreli arkadaþ kalmam,
Güzel geçti günlerimiz,mutlu ayrýlacaðýz,
Dostum Musa Bey sizi hiç unutmayacaðýz.

Ýki üç gezide güzel beraber olduk,
Kýzmadýk birbirimize,devamlý güldük,
Müdürün oðlunun sünnetinde komploya geldik,
Nasýl unuturum sizi Dostum Musa Bey.

Hüdayi der,Musa Bey gibi olsaydým,
Eli açýk,cömert olup hep sevilseydim,
Kader böyle olmasaydý,ben de gülseydim,
Allah dilese de dünyaya yeniden gelseydim.




Year1998 We came to Muhittin Ardahana together,
Sometimes we were sad, but we always laughed,
We came to these days by falling and getting up,
How can I forget you, my friend Musa Bey.

Cultured, well-mannered, quite rich,
Leave Kýrýkkale, incomparable in Ankara,
Your neck is long but why is your right shoulder wide?
How can I forget you, my friend Musa Bey.

Your wife is beautiful, your family is beautiful, everything is beautiful,
Your world is beautiful, I hope your end will be beautiful,
Your heart is pure, your word is firm, your essence is beautiful,
How could I forget you, my friend Musa Bey.

manager, guiding, comforting,
Not the one who hits the fallen, but the one who grabs it and lifts it up
who advises, guides, shows the truth,
How can I forget you, my friend Musa Bey.

Your smiling face is always in my eyes,
My condition is clear, constant sadness,
I’m not your equal, you put up with me every day,
How can I forget you, my friend Musa Bey.

Where did this retirement come from, how well we were working,
We were just getting used to the principal, the new school,
We were working day and night for the country and the nation,
How can I forget you, my friend Musa Bey.

You entered Turkish in your German branch,
G.K.Y, you have come to this day by reading novels,
You wouldn’t be felt in the classroom if you weren’t there
How can I forget you, my friend Musa Bey.

Who will frame me in this school now,
Manager, will Fuat stand against me?
The taste of this school is gone, those who go will be saved,
How can I forget you, my friend Musa Bey.

If other teachers were always like this,
If some take a little lesson from you,
If someone else like you comes along,
How can I forget you, my friend Musa Bey.

You are going, may your way be clear, we will not forget,
We will always remember you while drinking water from the cupboard,
We will always remember with good memories,
My friend Musa, we will never forget you.

We didn’t go to the market with your car,
For seven years, we didn’t fight once,
We ate a lot together at the teacher’s house,
How can I forget you, my friend Musa Bey.

I do not easily become friends with anyone,
I don’t stay friends for that long,
Our days were good, we will leave happy,
My friend Musa, we will never forget you.

We had a good time together in two or three trips,
We were not angry at each other, we laughed all the time.
We came to conspiracy in the circumcision of the principal’s son,
How can I forget you, my friend Musa Bey.

Hüdayi says, if I were like Musa Bey,
If I were open-handed, generous and always loved,
If fate had not been like this, I would have laughed too,
I wish I was born again, even if God willed.


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