





Bi Cümle




Son yurt Anadolu, güzel vataným,
Sende doðdum ben hep sende yaþadým,
Vatansýz dünyada nasýl yaþarým,
Benzerin dünyada yok Anadolu’m.

Geniþ yaylalarý zengin ovasý,
Yetiþir her mevsim boldur meyvesi,
Kendine yeten bir tarým ülkesi,
Benzerin dünyada yok Anadolu’m.

Bir günde yaþanýr dört mevsim burda,
Denize gir güneyde kýþ ayýnda,
Kayakçýlar kayar Palandöken’de,
Benzerin dünyada yok Anadolu’m.

Ýnsaným çok mutlu imanlý kalbi,
Kur’ana hizmetçi hayýr ehli,
Camiler Sebiller süsler Ülkemi,
Benzerin dünyada yok Anadolu’m.

Mevlana Yunuslar, Veli diyarý,
Hacý Bektaþ Veli Yurdum insaný,
Erenler halkýmýn sigortalarý,
Benzerin dünyada yok Anadolu’m.

Eshab-ý Kiram var korur Vataný,
Eyyübel Ensari, Hala Sultaný,,
Ýstanbul gibi bir payitahtýmý,
Benzerin dünyada yok Anadolu’m.

Veysel Karani’ler Hasan Dede’ler,
Gece gündüz bizi Vataný bekler,
Mübarek uyumaz bunca Erenler,
Benzerin dünyada yok Anadolu’m.

Zengin yer altýnda maden varlýðý,
Çýkartýlsa yerden kalmaz fakiri,
Göz diker düþmaný bir de haini,
Benzerin dünyada yok Anadolu’m.

Türk’ün son topraðý en son çatýsý,
Kimse vermez ki bir karýþ topraðý,
Vatansýz yaþamak en büyük acý,
Benzerin dünyada yok Anadolu’m.

Ezanlar dinmesin,her gün okunsun,
Kur’aným evlerde, baþ tacý olsun,
Milletim dünyaya hep nizam versin,
Benzerin dünyada yok Anadolu’m.

Þehidim uyusun rahat mezarda,
Askerim polisim bekler sýnýrda,
Düþmanlar uyumaz her an pusuda,
Benzerin dünyada, yok Anadolu’m.

Hüdayi Anayurt,ana vataným,
Ýnandým sevmek budur imaným,
Ýlel ebet sende hep yatacaðým,
Benzerin dünyada yok Anadolu’m.




The last home is Anatolia, my beautiful homeland,
I was born in you, I have always lived in you
How do I live in the stateless world,
There is no similar in the world, my Anatolia.

Wide plateaus and rich plain,
Its fruit grows in every season,
A self-sufficient agricultural country,
There is no similar in the world, my Anatolia.

There are four seasons in a day,
Enter the sea in the south in winter,
Skiers slide in Palandoken,
There is no similar in the world, my Anatolia.

I am a very happy believer heart,
Servant to the Qur’an, people of charity,
Mosques Public fountains adorn my country,
There is no similar in the world, my Anatolia.

Mevlana Dolphins, the land of Veli,
Hacý Bektaþ Veli Yurdum people,
Erenler is the insurance of my people,
There is no similar in the world, my Anatolia.

I have companions, protect my homeland,
Eyyubel Ensari, Sultan of Hala ,,
A capital city like Istanbul,
There is no similar in the world, my Anatolia.

Veysel Karani, Hasan Dede,
Homeland awaits us day and night,
Mubarak does not sleep so much Erenler,
There is no similar in the world, my Anatolia.

Rich underground mineral res ources,
If it is removed, the poor will not leave the ground,
The enemy and the traitor look forward,
There is no similar in the world, my Anatolia.

The last soil of the Turk is its last roof,
Nobody gives a piece of land,
Living stateless is the biggest pain
There is no similar in the world, my Anatolia.

Don’t let the call to prayer be heard, let it be recited every day,
My courtship is in homes, may it be its crown,
May my nation always give order to the world,
There is no similar in the world, my Anatolia.

I was a martyr, sleep in a comfortable grave,
My soldier, my police wait at the border,
The enemies do not sleep all the time in ambush,
There is no similar in the world, my Anatolia.

Hüdayi Motherland, my homeland,
I believed that love is my faith,
I will always sleep in you forever,
There is no similar in the world, my Anatolia.

16.01.2011 // KIRIKKALE
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