





Bi Cümle


Broken heart/kalp kırılması
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Broken heart/kalp kırılması

i was in love
like crazy storms to you
while colliding with the wind
I bowed like a rose
i fell off my leaves
My heart was broken

I couldn’t love any storm anymore
... nightingale
I was singing to a god
the devil came between
us I was shot
in the heart

before then my hopes were shattered
i turned off i’m done
I couldn’t go beyond any rose
. I was a sun
i hit your world
you shot me in the heart
I’m broken by my light

I lost my trust in you
I was a world you broke my heart
all my cities fell apart
I couldn’t play on any street
I couldn’t run in any of its streets
I haven’t slept in any neighborhood
I did not stop in any of the villages
And I could not enter anyhing

sana deli fýrtýnalar gibi
rüzgarla çarpýþýrken
eðildim gül gibi
yapraklarýmdan döküldüm
kalbim kýrýldý
artýk sevemedim hiçbir fýrtýnayý...

bir tanrýya ötüyordum

þeytan girdi aramýza
önce kalbimden vuruldum
sonra umutlarým kýrýldý
hiçbir gülde ötemedim .

bir güneþtim
vuruldum dünyana
kalbimden vurdun beni
ýþýðýmdan kýrýldým
sana olan güvenim yok oldu

bir dünyaydým
kýrdýn kalbimi
tüm þehirlerim daðýldý
hiçbir caddende oynayamadým
hiçbir sokaðýnda koþamadým
hiçbir mahallende yatamadým
hiçbir köyünde duramadým
ve hiçbir kalbe giremedim bir daha ..

Gezgin i mgeler..
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