





Bi Cümle



Gecenin ayazý düþtü döþüme,
Yýlanlar yapýþtý korkak leþine,
Geceler uyanýk uyku peþimde,
Ben yar’ime doyamadým Ey Dostlar.

Geceler geceler gündüz geceler,
Dilimde tükendi bitti heceler,
Yar’in avlusundan geçerken birden,
Köpeði paçamdan tuttu ha tuttu.

Sabahýn beþinde uykudan kalktým,
Sabah seherinde secdeye vardým,
Secde kapýsýnda Rabbe yalvardým,
Geceler geceler bitmez geceler.

Sýrrýna erenler erdi sýrrýna,
Kulum dediklerin vardý yanýna,
Elbet bir gün gelir bize de sýra,
Ya Rab seni orda görmek isterim.

Cennetin baðýna girsem çaresiz,
Geceler uykular oldu paresiz,
Dünyanýn baðýna girmem ben yar’siz,
Geceler uykudan uyandým Yar’im

Ah ah ah,Ah ah ah,Ah ah ,Ah ah ah,
Çeke çeke vardým Hak’kýn yanýna.
Ah ah ah,Ah ah ah,Ah ah ,Ah ah ah,
Diye diye vardým Dostun yanýna.

Haydi Kardeþlerim durman aðlayýn,
Geceleri uyku olmaz mü’mine,
Yolumuz uzundur erzak saðlayýn,
Bu yolda rahatlýk yoktur bizlere.

Tc.Kül.Bak.Halk Þairi


The frosty of the night fell on my mattress,
The snakes clung to the cowardly carcass,
Nights awake seeking sleep,
I could not get enough of my half, O Friends.

Nights, nights, days, nights
The syllables have run out on my tongue,
Passing through the yard of the Yar, suddenly,
He grabbed the dog by my trotter.

I woke up at five in the morning,
I prostrated in the morning,
I begged the Lord at the door of prostration,
Nights, nights do not end.

Those who have their secrets are over,
There were those whom you called my servant,
Of course one day will come for us too,
Ya Lord I want to see you there.

I’m desperate to enter the vineyard of heaven,
The nights became sleepless,
I do not enter the bond of the world without a lover,
I woke up at night, my dear.

Ah ah ah, ah ah ah, ah ah , ah ah ah,
I got a check on the check next to Hak.
Ah ah ah, ah ah ah, ah ah , ah ah ah,
I came to your friend.

Come on my brothers and cry,
Can’t you sleep at night?
Our path is long and provide provisions,
There is no comfort for us on this path.

06.04.2021 // KIRIKKALE
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