Dün gece rüyamda gördüm annemi, Annem tebessümle sevdi bizleri, Yüzü çok nurluydu yaþlý gözleri, Aðladým Annem ah çok özledim seni.
Aðlaya aðlaya vardým yanýna, Selam verip öptüm ben doya doya, Gözlerimden yaþlar baþlar akmaya, Aðladým Annem ah çok özledim seni.
Günler aylar yýllar geçti durmadan, Kanlý gözyaþlarý aktý durmadan, Nedir bu ayrýlýk Babam Anamdan, Aðladým Annem ah çok özledim seni.
Tuttum ellerinden inan sýcaktý, Nur gibiydi yüzü Aydan parlaktý, Ne Mübarek insan ne hoþ kucaktý, Aðladým Annem ah çok özledim seni.
Bir daha olmasýn ayrýlýk böyle, Selamlarým götür Babama söyle, Özledim sizleri özledim ben de, Aðladým Annem ah çok özledim seni.
Geceler uzundur geçmek bilmiyor, Nasýldýr Kabristan dilim varmýyor, Karanlýk Mezarlar korku baþlýyor, Aðladým Annem ah çok özledim seni.
Sabahýn seheri uyandým birden, Açtým ellerimi istedim Rab’den, Ey Yüce Allahým versen yeniden, Aðladým Annem ah çok özledim seni.
Yaþlarým çoðaldý dinmez fýrtýna, Kaç yýlým kaldý ki varsam mezara, Hüdayi evladýn duacý sana, Aðladým Annem ah çok özledim seni.
8 Mart Dünya Kadýnlar Gününüzü kutlarým.
I saw my mother in my dream last night, My mother loved us with a smile, His face was so bright, his old eyes, I cried Mom, oh I missed you so much.
I came to you crying and crying I greeted and kissed you to your heart’s content, Tears start to flow from my eyes, I cried Mom, oh I missed you so much.
Days passed and months passed, Bloody tears flowed constantly, What is this separation from mother, father, I cried Mom, oh I missed you so much.
I held your hands, believe it was warm, Her face was like light, brighter than the moon, Neither a blessed person nor a pleasant hug, I cried Mom, oh I missed you so much.
Let it not happen again, separation is like this, Greetings, take it, tell my father, I missed you, I missed you too I cried Mom, oh I missed you so much.
The nights are long, it does not pass How is it that my tongue doesn’t come from the cemetery, Dark tombs, fear begins, I cried Mom, oh I missed you so much.
In the morning I woke up suddenly, I opened my hands, I asked the Lord, O Almighty God, if you give me again, I cried Mom, oh I missed you so much.
The storm does not increase my tears, How many years I have left to the grave, Your hüdayi son, prayer to you, I cried Mom, oh I missed you so much.
I congratulate you on March 8, International Women’s Day.
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