Ýçerler genç yaþta hep þehadeti, Mehmet can verir de vermez Devleti, Vatan sað olsun der Þehit dedesi, Mehmedin yavrusu bize emanet.
Yaþ akýyor gözden yetim yavrular, Utanmadan hain yüzler alkýþlar, Girmiþ Meclisime bir de mel’unlar, Þehidin canlarý bize emanet.
Görmedi babasýn Mehmet can verdi, Hain kurþunlara göðsünü gerdi, Elinden Resulün þehadet içti, Mehmedin kanlarý bize emanet.
Gariptir Mehmetler evler virane, Yoktur sofrasýnda katýðý nerde, Býrakýr geride bir yaslý anne, Þehidin annesi bize emanet.
Soðuk gecelerde titrer elleri, Ne yapar ne ider genç gelinleri, Pencereden bakar þol bebekleri, Mehmedin bebeði bize emanet.
Bayram seyran demez koþar mezara, Alýnca karneyi doðru babaya, Ne olaydý derler babam sað olsa, Þehidin evladý bize emanet.
Hüdayi Mehmetler candýr Vatana, Lanet olsun bu Devleti satana, Rahmet olsun yer altýnda yatana, Mehmedin mezarý bize emanet.
Martyrs entrust us ..
Mehmedim waits at the border, his homeland, The boy leaves the anger behind, Mehmed’s widows stay behind, I entrust my state to my nation.
They always bear martyrdom at a young age, Mehmet dies but does not give the State, The martyr grandfather says, Mehmed’s cub is entrusted to us.
Tears are falling from sight, orphans, The treacherous faces applaud without shame, And the males who have entered my Assembly, The lives of the martyrs are entrusted to us.
Your father, Mehmet did not see, died, He stretched his chest at the treacherous bullets, The Messenger of Allah martyred from his hand, Mehmed’s blood is entrusted to us.
It is strange that Mehmetler houses are in ruins, Where is the additive on your table, An old mother leaves behind, The martyr’s mother is entrusted to us.
His hands tremble in cold nights, Neither does nor ider young brides, Looking out the window the boys, Mehmed’s baby is entrusted to us.
He doesn’t say Bayram Seyran, runs to the grave, When you get the report card to the right father, They say what happened, if my father was alive, The martyr’s son is entrusted to us.
Hüdayi Mehmets are souls to Motherland, Damn the one who sold this State, Mercy to the one lying under the ground, Mehmed’s tomb is entrusted to us.
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