Garibim yatýyor sünger yatakta, Yoktur bir inilti dilinde dua, Al canýmý der di Yüce Mevlaya, Gelip te helallik alan olmadý.
Hastalýk çoðaldý kalktý Yoðuna, Yatakta havalý olmaz ki fayda, Kaldý kaderiyle garip baþbaþa, Gelip te sedyeden tutan olmadý.
Garipti cenaze evden aldýlar, Yýkayacak Hoca zorlan buldular, Sel aðzý mezarý yufka kazdýlar, Kur’an Hatim Telkin veren olmadý.
Hüdayi der zordur garipçe ölmek, Eþin dostun yoktur yalýnýz kalmak, Kimseler duymadan veda eylemek, Garip öldü sofra seren olmadý.
09.02.2021//KIRIKKALE HÝDAYET DOÐAN il+kale
She lived alone in her strange village, Disease had collapsed into the body suddenly, Nobody will come to his house anymore, Nobody died three days ago.
He had three sons and one daughter, This false world did not aspire, I would reach you, the pain would not stop Neighbor did not say where you are.
He was rich before he fell to the poor They didn’t even give a bowl of soup, I’m strange in the cold in your frozen house Nobody set up his stove.
Children don’t call, don’t ask for their sake, Poor does not come to relatives, They said that your clothes smells soft, Nobody took it to a bath and swallowed it.
I am strange lying on the sponge bed, There is no moaning prayer, Take my dear, he said to Yüce Mevlaya, Nobody came and got halal.
The illness has multiplied, It wouldn’t be cool in bed. He remained strange with his fate, Nobody came and kept the stretcher.
It was strange that they took the funeral home, Hodja to wash, they found difficulties, They dug deep yucca in the flood mouth grave, Quran Hatim Nobody gave suggestion.
He says it is difficult to die strangely, You don’t have any friends or friends to stay alone, Saying goodbye without anyone hearing, Strangely, he died, no one gave food.
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