





Bi Cümle




Nasýl ederim affetmezse Mevla,
Ateþe giderim bakmam arkaya,
Zebani iter baþlarým feryada,
Ne korkulu andýr Mahþer zamaný.

Zebaniler gelip ensemden tutar,
Kuvvetli pençesi havaya atar,
Durun etmen desem boþa duymazlar,
Ne korkulu andýr Mahþer zamaný.

Yüzler kapkaradýr kitap sol elde,
Zikir Kur’an dua okur dillerde,
Feryad-ü figaným çýkar göklere,
Ne korkulu andýr Mahþer zamaný.

Bir Melek çaðýrýr Cehennem yeri,
Bundan gayli bu Kul görmez Cenneti,
Cehennemin Nar-ý bekliyor beni,
Ne korkulu andýr Mahþer zamaný.

Cümle mahlukata teþhir olurum,
Kýyamet halkýna rüsvay olurum,
Yüzüm kapkaradýr benzim solurum,
Ne korkulu andýr Mahþer zamaný.

Derim ben ne yaptým düþtüm bak nara,
Namaz oruç haccým gitmiþ hep boþa,
Nolaydý ihlaslý tek amel ola,
Ne korkulu andýr Mahþer zamaný.

Yüzbin Melek hucum ederler bana,
Ey filan oðlu filan yazýklar ola,
Kim için yaptýnsa git onu ara,
Ne korkulu andýr Mahþer zamaný.

Hüdayi der Mevlam koru bizleri,
Gölgende barýndýr serinlet bizi,
Resulün elinden içsem Kevseri,
Ne korkulu andýr Mahþer zamaný.

01.10.2020//KIRIKKALE 03.15


How can I not forgive Mawla,
I go to the fire, I don’t look back
I push the hell out of nowhere,
What a fearful moment is the time of Judgment.

Fiends come and grab it by my neck,
His mighty paw throws in the air,
If I say stop, they will not hear it in vain,
What a fearful moment is the time of Judgment.

The faces are black and the book is in the left hand,
The dhikr Quran recites prayers in languages,
My outlaw will rise to the skies,
What a fearful moment is the time of Judgment.

An Angel calls Hell place,
Other than that, this servant does not see Paradise,
Hell’s Nar-i awaits me,
What a fearful moment is the time of Judgment.

I would be exposed to the sentence creature,
I would be a disappointment to the people of the apocalypse,
My face is black and I breathe.
What a fearful moment is the time of Judgment.

I say what I did, look at the cry,
My prayer fasting pilgrimage is always gone,
The only deed with ihlas was his number,
What a fearful moment is the time of Judgment.

A hundred thousand angels attack me,
Shame on you like your son or something,
Go look for him who you did it for
What a fearful moment is the time of Judgment.

Hüdayi says Mawlam protect us,
Keep us cool in your shadow,
If I drink from the hand of the Messenger of Allah,
What a fearful moment is the time of Judgment.

01.10.2020 // KIRIKKALE 03.15

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