Bir boyun uzanýr Mahþer yerine, Haykýrýr asiye fasih dil ile, Toplamaya baþlar atar ateþe, Rabbim Sen o günde baðýþla bizi.
Seslenir münadi görecek herkes, Kim ikrama layýk kimlere ateþ, Hamdedenler kalksýn der yine o ses, Rabbim Sen o günde baðýþla bizi.
Kalksýnlar ayaða gece kalkanlar, Altunla gümüþten ari olanlar, Nerde bugün dini mala satanlar, Rabbim Sen o günde baðýþla bizi.
Hesapsýz girenler ayrýlýr o gün, Kalana defteri verilir o gün, Kimi saðdan gelir kimi sol o gün, Rabbim Sen o günde baðýþla bizi.
Terazi kurulup amel tartýlýr, Günahý çok olan nara atýlýr, Cehennem kükreyip birden saldýrýr, Rabbim Sen o günde baðýþla bizi.
Defter-i aðmalin verildiði an, Saðdan mý gelecek yoksa da soldan, Düþmesin Sýrattan ayaðým aman, Rabbim Sen o günde baðýþla bizi.
Terazim kefesi sevapla dolsa, Melekler çaðýrsa uðurlar ola, Cennette cemalin temaþa ola, Rabbim Sen o günde baðýþla bizi.
Günahlarým çoktur atar ateþe, Hüdayi ölmeden gel tevbe eyle, O nazik bedenim dönecek küle, Rabbim Sen o günde baðýþla bizi.
A neck stretches instead of Judgment, It cries out in a rebellious and vicious language, He starts to gather, throws to the fire, My Lord, forgive us on that day.
Everybody will call out and see, Shoot who deserves the treat, That voice says again that those who praise should stand up, My Lord, forgive us on that day.
Let them stand up at night, Free of gold and silver, Where are those who sell religious goods today, My Lord, forgive us on that day.
Those who enter without an account leave that day, The book is given to the remaining person that day, Some come from the right, some from the left that day, My Lord, forgive us on that day.
Libra is set up and deeds are weighed, Those who have a lot of sins are shouted, Hell roars and attacks suddenly, My Lord, forgive us on that day.
The moment when Defter-i Aðmaline is given, Will it come from the right or from the left, Don’t let my feet fall from the back, oh my, My Lord, forgive us on that day.
If the scale of my scale is filled with good deeds, If angels call, be good luck Let the heaven be in paradise, My Lord, forgive us on that day.
My sins are many, it throws into fire, Come and repent before he dies, My gentle body will turn to ash, My Lord, forgive us on that day.
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