Yüce Mevlam bir gün çaðýrýr bizi, Kabrinde duyar ruhlar Ýsrafil’i, Kalkarlar hemen yerden nebat gibi, Cümle can dirilir Mahþer Gününde.
Duyunca Sur’u titrer cümle azam, Çaðýran Rabbim ben nasýl varam, Aðarmýþ saçlarým bitmiþ tüm dünyam, Cümle can dirilir Mahþer Gününde.
Hak emrine uyup ceset uyanýr, Kabirler canlanýr toprak yarýlýr, Kalkar ins-ü cinler Rabbime varýr, Cümle can dirilir Mahþer Gününde.
Herkes çýplak ses yok kimseye bakmaz, Rabbimden korkarlar ses sada çýkmaz, Nurlarý önünde hiç hata yapmaz, Cümle can dirilir Mahþer Gününde.
Hani Nemrut nerde Haman’lar nerde? Zillete düþmüþler hepsi kabrinde, Zalim zorba fasýk mel’unlar nerde? Cümle can dirilir Mahþer Gününde.
Cümle hayvan gelir Mahþer Yerine, Bükerler boynunu Hakkýn emrine, Ne dehþetli gündür Azim bilmece, Cümle can dirilir Mahþer Gününde.
Þeytanlar lal olmuþ boyun bükerler, Cümle yaratýlan gelip hesap verirler, Yeniden dirilip Hakka yürürler, Cümle can dirilir Mahþer Gününde.
Mahþerde haþreder Þan-ý çok Yüce, Rahman Rahim Rabbim Azze ve Celle, Hüdayi isterki boðsa nimete, Cümle can dirilir Mahþer Gününde.
..................................... ON BIRTHDAY ..... 1
The Almighty Mawla calls us one day, The souls in his grave hear Israfil, They get up from the ground like plants, The sentence comes alive on Judgment Day.
Sur is shaking when it hears, sentence azam, How can I arrive, my Lord calling, My gray hair is gone, my whole world, The sentence comes alive on Judgment Day.
The corpse awakens by obeying the right order, The graves come alive, the soil is split, Ins-u-djinns rise to my Lord, The sentence comes alive on Judgment Day.
Everybody no bare noises, nobody looks, They are afraid of my Lord, the sound does not sound right, He makes no mistake in front of his light, The sentence comes alive on Judgment Day.
Where are Nemrut and where are Haman? They all fell into disgrace in their graves, Where are the cruel, tyrannical and corrupt angels? The sentence comes alive on Judgment Day.
The sentence animal comes instead of Judgment, Benders neck to the order of God, How dreadful day is Azim riddle, The sentence comes alive on Judgment Day.
Devils bow down like a whale, The sentence created come and give account, They are resurrected and march to the Truth, The sentence comes alive on Judgment Day.
His glory is very sublime in the Judgment, My Most Gracious, Most Merciful Lord Azze and Jelle, If the hudai would suffocate the blessing, The sentence comes alive on Judgment Day.
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