Nazar ettim bugün yalan dünyaya, Baktým dört bir yana gör ki neler var, Gülmüyordu kimse bakar havaya, Herkesin aklýnda gör ki neler var.
Kimisi fakirdir zengin olsam der, Kimisi zengindir yoksulu ezer, Bir ekmek uðruna her gün aç gezer, Pazarda çöpleri gördüm deþen var.
Öksüz yetim kalmýþ niceyi gördüm, Bazen el uzatýp yarasýn sardým, Ya Rab sen bilirsin dua eyledim, Ana baba ölmüþ öksüz yetim var.
Sabi iken ölmüþ iniler garip, Kimi hamal olmuþ bir elinde ip, Ya Rab bizden fayda yok sensin sahip, Gizlide aðlayan fakir sabi var.
Baktým da utandým ben nasýl kulum, Yoksul komþum varmýþ nasýl dururum, Param yok ise de derman olurum, Teselliye muhtaç yoksul garip var.
Terketmiþ vataný düþmüþler yola, Þehrime gelmiþler konuktur bana, Çadýrlar kurulmuþ þehrin dýþýna, Irak Suriyeli yetim bacýlar var.
Camii avlusuna açmýþ sergiyi, Dilenci sanmayýn bekler ilgiyi, Hor görme kardeþim ver teselliyi, Zengindi fukara gönlü geniþ var.
Gör ki neler neler çýkmýþ meydana, Bugün canlý olan girmiþ mezara, Kabirler karanlýk ap ayrý dünya, Sessiz sokaklarda ölüler de var.
Þehrin dýþarýsý dolu mezarlýk, Þeytanlar kaçýþýr vardýr insanlýk, Hüdayi iyiysen vardýr Sultanlýk, Yollarda gezen aç insan da var.
....................................... SEE WHAT’S ON ..
I looked at the lying world today I looked all over and see what is there, Nobody was laughing at the air, See what everyone has in mind.
Some people say I should be rich, Some are rich crush the poor, He goes hungry every day for the sake of bread, I saw the garbage in the market, there is a digger.
I have seen many orphans orphans, Sometimes I reached out and wound You know, Lord, I prayed, There is an orphan whose parents died.
Those who died while Sabi are strange, Some was a porter with a rope in one hand, O Lord, you are useless with us, There is a poor patient crying in secret.
I looked at how embarrassed I am, I have a poor neighbor, how can I stop, If I don’t have money, I can be a remedy, There are poor strangers in need of consolation.
They left their homeland, fell on the road, They came to my city are guests to me, Outside of the city where tents are set up, There are Iraqi Syrian orphan ministers.
He opened the exhibition in the courtyard of the mosque, Do not assume that beggar is waiting for attention, Don’t despise my brother, give your comfort He was rich and has a heart for the poor.
See what has happened, Who is alive today has entered the grave, The tombs are dark, separate world, There are also the dead in the quiet streets.
The cemetery full outside the city, There are demons escape humanity, If you are good, there is Sultanate, There are also hungry people on the roads.
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