Üstüne basarak her gün gezdiðin, Evin barkýn yurdun topraktýr toprak, Bahçende tazecik güller derdiðin, Oban soyun ýrkýn topraktýr toprak.
Vucudun damarýn varlýk nedenin, Sofranda yediðin incirle zeytin, Sabah akþam üstünde gezdiðin, Karýncanýn yurdu topraktýr toprak.
Ne ekersen sana veriyor bolca, Buðday arpa nohut adam boyunca, Kimi zaman boldur kimi kor darda, Kavunu yetiren topraktýr toprak.
Bereket fýþkýrýr her daim ondan, Tarla tohum suyu verir Yaradan, Mevlam yaðdýrýr bize durmadan, Yerden su çýkaran topraktýr toprak.
Ýnsan ölür ceset topraða girer, Kabir kapkara yer yer birer birer, Evliya esfiya feryadýn eder, Cesedim saklayan topraktýr toprak.
Dünya sahte bir han olmuþ topraktan, Binasý tuðlasý kerpici ondan, Ýki kapýlý handa sende oyalan, Altunu gümüþü topraktýr toprak.
Dere tepe ýrmak seller akýtýr, Daðdan fýrlar kaya canlarýn alýr, Kuþlarý balýðý içine alýr, Her þeyi eriten topraktýr toprak.
Toprak mayamýzdýr biz olduk ondan, Hüdayi var mýdýr dünyada kalan, Baðlarý bahçesi hepsi de yalan, Ýnsaný aldatan topraktýr toprak.
That you walk on every day, Your house is home, your country is soil, What you call fresh roses in your garden, Oban is the land of your race.
Your body is the reason your veins exist, The figs and olives you eat on your table, You wander in the morning and evening, Land of the ant is soil.
Whatever you plant gives you plenty, Wheat barley chickpea along man, Sometimes it is abundant, some is in trouble, It is the soil that grows melons.
Abundance emanates from him all the time, God gives seed water in the field, Mawlana makes us rain constantly, It is the soil that produces water from the ground.
Man dies and corpse enters the ground, Grave in black, one by one, Awliya esfiya cries out, The earth is the soil that hides my body.
The world has become a fake inn from the earth The brick of the building is from him, Linger at the inn with two doors, The earth is gold and silver earth.
Stream and river stream floods, The rock bursts from the mountain and takes your souls, Birds take in fish, It is the soil that dissolves everything.
We became our soil yeast from him, Is there any hüdayi left in the world, Its vineyards and gardens are all lies, Earth is the land that deceives people.
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