Kahraman ordumuz girdi Afrin’e, Sýrada Münbiç var korkun nafile, Mehmetler bombayý attý haine, Þanlý askerlerim girdi Afrin’e.
Osmanlým dirildi çýktý meydana, PKK sý ,YPG lisi döndü þaþkýna, Anadolu halkým durdu duaya, Kahraman askerim girdi Afrin’e.
ABD,Ýngiliz,Fransýz korktu bizlerden, Osmanlým geliyor yine seferden, Geçilmez diyorlar daðlar leþlerden, Þehit Mehmetlerim girdi Afrin’e.
Yekvücut halkýmýz destek milletten, Koþtular cepheye torunla deden, Çorap dizlik ördü yaþlýca ninen, Ümmetin ordusu girdi Afrin’e.
Kahraman mehmetler destanlar yazar, Her zaman zor anda oyunu bozar, Kurtlar belirince çakallar kaçar, Bozkurtlar ordusu girdi Afrin’e.
ABD’nin planý serildi yere, Bu coðrafya bizim vermem ellere, Þehidin hepisi miras bizlere, Þehitler ordusu girdi Afrin’e.
Mehmetçik veriyor nizam aleme, Ýslamýn sancaðý çektik göndere, Paþasý eratý hep bir aile, Gaziler ordusu girdi Afrin’e.
Milletim birleþti hepsi bir oldu, Hüdayi her gece duaya durdu, Sonunda Mevlanýn dediði oldu, Kahraman ordumuz girdi Afrine.
Our hero army has entered Afrin, Next is Manbij, your fear is futile, Mehmets dropped the bomb on the traitor, My glorious soldiers entered Afrin.
My Ottoman was resurrected, The PKK, the YPG member turned to his bewilderment, My Anatolian people stopped to pray, My hero soldier entered Afrin.
USA, British and French were afraid of us, My Ottoman is coming again from the expedition, They say the mountains are impenetrable from carcasses, My Martyr Mehmets entered Afrin.
Our single body people support the nation, They ran to the front with grandchildren, Your old grandmother knitted socks knee pads, The army of the ummah entered Afrin.
Hero mehmets write epics, It always spoils the game in a difficult moment, When the wolves appear, the jackals run, Army of Gray Wolves entered Afrin.
The US plan has been laid down, I don’t give this geography to our hands, All of the martyrs are inherited to us, The army of martyrs entered Afrin.
Mehmetçik is giving my order to the world, We pulled the standard of Islam to send, Pasha eratý is always a family, The army of veterans entered Afrin.
My nation is united, they all become one, Hüdayi stopped to pray every night, Finally, what Mevlana said, Our heroic army has entered Afrine.
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