Geziyordum bugün köyün birinde, Çeþmede görünce baktým yüzüne, Benziyordu yüzü týpký hilale, Güzel bana ben güzele vuruldum.
Dedim güzel kimsin kimin nesisin, Kaþlarýn ay gibi sanki mahisin, Tutuldum þavkýna selvi gibisin, Güzel aþýk oldum sana vuruldum.
Dedi yolcu geç git burada durma, Aðam çok zalimdir sakýn darýlma, Yoktur acýmasý canýndan olma, Aþkýný kalbine yaz bende vuruldum.
Sevdiðim olur mu birkez bak yüzüme, Yaktýn bu kalbi sen bir kere dinle, Kor düþtü sevginden benim kalbime, Feda olsun caným senin yoluna.
Sen aða kýzýsýn ben garip yolcu, Ýkimizde biriz Allahýn kulu, Bizi ayýranlar içsin aðuyu, Kalbimi çaldýn sen ey nazlý güzel.
Güzel ellerinden su ver içeyim, Gece gündüz sana dua edeyim, Aðan vermez ise kime gideyim, Canýma kýyarým bilesin güzel.
Ey aþýk olan genç kýyma canýna, Güzellik geçici sakýn aldanma, Bu dünya yalandýr Haktan ayrýlma, Duayý Hakka yap hýrsa kapýlma.
Güzeli býraktým çeþme baþýnda, Zülüfleri düþtü hilal kaþýna, Güzele dedim ki rüyama uðra, Ahrette benim ol ey nazlý güzel.
I was traveling in a village today When I saw it in the fountain, I looked at your face, His face looked like a crescent, Beautiful, I was hit by beautiful.
I said who are you beautiful, who are you? Your eyebrows are like the moon, I fell in love with your spine like a cypress, I fell beautifully in love with you.
The passenger said go late, don’t stop here, My elder is very cruel, do not be offended, There is no pity, don’t be hurt, Write your love on your heart, I am hit too.
Can anyone be a lover, look at my face You burned this heart, you listen once Embers fell from your love into my heart Sacrifice my dear to your way.
You are the girl of the agha, I am the strange traveler, We are both one servant of God, For those who divide us, let the net be You stole my heart, oh coy beautiful.
Let me drink water from your beautiful hands, Let me pray for you day and night, If agan does not give, who should I go? I hurt me, you know, nice.
O young beef in love with your soul, Beauty is temporary, don’t be deceived, This world is a lie Don’t leave right, Do the prayer to Hakka, do not be carried away by ambition.
I left the beautiful at the fountain, His zulufs fell on the crescent’s eyebrow, I said beautiful come to my dream, Be mine in the Hereafter, oh graceful.
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